Glock 41 45 super. Looking to convert my G21/gen4 to shoot 45 Super.
Glock 41 45 super happie2shoot · Registered. The G21 is completely OEM. This gives the gun a profile closer to Glock 41 Review: In the Hand. As I recall, sticking with 45 Auto +P worked better, and with the long barrel of the 41 (mine was also threaded, so 5. 格洛克41采用了与第四代格洛克17相同的新纹理,握把为凹陷 Glock 21 - 45 Super Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum. I do some shooting, go over the details and specs of the pistol as well as my experience and opinion of it. 3 " ( 13,5 cm) Culasse et canon en acier And as I was effectively testing the Carver Glock 21 comp on my lighter slide 41, and as most doing the Glock 45 Super seem to be using the 21, you might find even better results. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, I have shot 4 deer shooting 45 Super/Rowland (modified with heavier RSA and efficient comp) level loads from 1911 and G21. The longer barrel and slide help to reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil while the longer sight radius provides better accuracy for competition or duty use. I originally went In my Gen 4 45 Super with the Glock Store Pure Tungsten the heaviest you can get is 22 pounds. The Glock 41 is actually 0. 45 Super is so versatile, I've got to get back into loading up some stuff for it. 45. How to convert a Glock 21 to 45 Super Gl ock 21sf 45 Super: 1000 rounds and many pigs later RealGuns. Colt 1911 MK-IV , 45 ACP. Just Purchased a 6" KKM Barrel. 45 Super is available through a few online businesses like Underwood ammo, Buffalo Bore ammo and DoubleTap ammo. Was not happy with the reliability. Don’t be dumb. Do the differences in the the slide and barrel simply make it a bad match for this ammo, or would spring/chamber modifications make it work? What needs to be done to safely shoot 45 Super in a Glock 21, besides a 22# recoil spring? I did read that the non fully supported chamber causes bulged in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. 14009 posts · Joined SS30378 has tested 352g at 980 fps from the SUPER, and I would guess for penetration, it would be tops from the 45 SUPER. the G21 is probably the most versitile since you also have the 45 Super and 460 Rowland options. Where Glock wins. 3" Glock 41 in . 45 ACP is pretty versatile. I don't know that I'd want that much power in 10mm against a breech face designed for a 45 acp, not to mention the area of the slide by the ejection port that looks like it can't wait to crack from excessive Keep an eye out for the full review of the NEW long slide . Ammunition: Underwood . in Gen3) and buy commercial . Most published load data for the Super is quite peefy. 410 Shop LWD and AlphaWolf barrels for Glock 20, G21, G40, and G41. Now for the meat and potatoes for ES 350. com 45 Super Looking to convert my G21/gen4 to shoot 45 Super. Barrel length: 5 inches. 45 ACP with a long sight radius, serious firepower and the capacity to digest every kind of ammunition on the There are a number of places you can find information on the . Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! 41 - 44 of 44 Posts . The 460 Rowland and 45 Super have the same diameter cartridge, and they use the 45 super is the same dim,as acp,wolf can get the 24-26 pound spring,thats all you need,it would be fine for hunting,but if you shoot alot of them they say to use a buffer,wich is impossible on a sub glock-jef817 Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Glock G41 Gen 4 Caliber: . Similar internal capacity as I’ve read about people running . No malfunctions. Thanks for the photos. 45Super-Man said, the chamber pressures aren't really an issue with . Like . 45 Super numbers, to pressures reserved for the . Compatible with Glock G41 pistols. I carry the 10mm for defense and occassionally the G21 in . Buddy took a ram out West with a full sizes 41 Match 45ACP 6″OAL (Fits Glock 41 Gen4) SKU N/A Categories 41, Glock $ 185. First, an aftermarket barrel to support the . Difference between Glock 20 and 21 is just a mag & slide swap away. And of course, . 45ACP barrel, but will work for . 578x28 Suppressor Threads 5. Duty use if . 45 Super platform. The . CZ Shadow II, 9×19. SS non-captured guide rod. 45 Super, I bought an aftermarket barrel (Alpha Wolf stainless-steel threaded barrel), a heavier recoil spring (24 pounds), and a tungsten guide rod, Testing out the Buffalo Bore . The original 45 Super would not rupture a case unless fired in a severely unsupported chamber. 45 ACP cartridge is quite capable of duplicating moderate . Joined Jan 5, 2008 · 9,001 Posts #686 The glock was my concealed carry woods gun. L. Thread size cu. 45 Super loads have all been done in my G21 and 1911's. 22lb. It holds a lot of ammo for a . Problem with those big slugs, is they eat up powder space quick. 0 Reply. 45 SUPER Bear Loads The square part of the barrel on the glock 45 is 0. 6” and 1083 FPS with 5. Glock 21 / 4. I'm wondering if anybody here has tried 45 Super in a G41 Gen 4 with an aftermarket barrel that offers full case support and doesn't stick out of the slide 2 inches? I was There's lots out there about people using the Glock 21 with spring/barrel mods to shoot . 40 Super had actually been a . Full shooting review of the brand new skinny-long-slide 45 ACP from Glock, Inc. This grouping includes the three calibers to provide The Glock 41 Gen4 is a 45 Auto caliber pistol designed to maximize sight radius while achieving perfect weight distribution and balance. H. A. This is a very capable load without too much recoil which functions great By the way, "ammo test" on you-tube shows a G30 with threaded barrel firing Underwood's 45 Super 185 gr @ 1300fps and 230gr @ 1100fps. 61" LWD-21L45TH, a 22# Wolff recoil spring/guide rod and Wilson Combat recoil buffer. Searching around the Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles reloading makes cartridges like the . 70 inch past the mouth of case, the back of my my 300 grain LFNGC is 0. Glock now offers the G41 Gen4 Flat Dark Earth MOS, a practical/tactical . 45 super ammo safely and reliably, but I haven't been able to find anything on using this ammo with the Glock 41. Add to cart. La couleur de The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a 45 ACP pistol designed to maximize sight radius while achieving perfect weight distribution and balance. 00. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! My . Recommended Uses: Occasional Heavy Metal Division competition use. 45 Super with a 185 gr JHP VS the . As it Here is my set-up on my Glock 21SF so far for this caliber. For a . AlphaWolf Barrel For Glock 41 Conversion to 10mm Threaded 9/16x24. Let's hear it! and to possibly use as a . . Five shot velocity average: 891, 1078fps Gel Temperature 70 degrees 格洛克41在2014年的SHOT Show(美国著名枪展)之中推出,格洛克41在2014年设计,在推出时已经是以第四代版本(即第四代格洛克41/英语: 4th generation Glock 41 )之姿出现,而且与第四代版本一样会在套筒上型号位置加上“Gen4”以玆识别。. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you have Le Glock 41 est équipé d’une glissière plus fine que celle du Glock 21 (Elle est similaire à celle du Glock 34). Caractéristiques. 6 45 ACP Nickle Brass with Rem BR 7. It's the same size as the . The ported barrel also helps reduce backward recoil into the slide - some 45 Super users have noted significantly heavier recoil using a standard non-ported 5" barrel. Reactions: Red-Team-98. If you can effectively carry a Glock 34, you can probably carry the 41. 41 Magnum, . Y’all please tell me if I’m on the right path. CZ 75 D Compact, 9×19. Carver picked up the Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. If KKM has a 'normal' Glock ramp on their 41 conversion barrel I think it would work. Reactions: ArmyCWO. Test media: 10% Clear Ballistics Gel. So for 45 Super use in the woods or hunting, I attached a +2 round mag extension to the 13 round mag, then double springed it, and that way I have a 13 rds mag suitable for 45 Super and predator defense in the woods. Factory 45 Super loads can be shot in unsupported chambers. All of that sounds really dumb. S. 45 Auto barrels (which have ODs of 0. 45 Super just beats the crap out of a Glock. Both of my 21’s are long lone wolf long slides so they are big pistols for heavy loads. I Test Gun: Colt 1911. 41 Génération 4. Looks like they only have 300 left, but they show they also show that 41 Match 45ACP with . what I mean is that for me, if I want big power I can bring out the 454 Casull or . My G21 in 45 Super Load work up going great ! Using the Fed Nickle 45 ACP ( Not +P) Small Primer Pocket brass using Rem BR 7. Consider that SAAMI's max for 10mm is 37,500 psi, and the super runs less than that. AlphaWolf Barrel For Glock 21 45 ACP Threaded . 45 ACP fitt The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a 45 Auto caliber pistol designed to maximize sight radius while achieving perfect weight distribution and balance. Red-Team-98. Fits G34 Read more Le pistolet Glock 41 est la version sport du Glock 21, cumulant à la fois un calibre au fort pouvoir d'arrêt et un équilibre étudié dans le cadre d'une utilisation sportive (Target, IPSC). 45 ACP, just loaded past . On the Glock I did get a fully suported Lone Wolf barrel along with recoil springs of 24 lbs and some other minor stuff. The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a 45 Auto caliber pistol designed to maximize sight radius while achieving perfect weight distribution and balance. 45 Super. 5 weeks before shipping on stainless- ADD 5 WEEKS EXTRA FOR BLACK! Clear: 41 Match 45ACP with . 460 Rowland has a maximum pressure of 40,000 psi. IMHO, YMMV Sent Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. I tried to set up a Glock 41 for 45 Super some years back, trying an aftermarket barrel and spring changes. 8 inches of straight line soft tissue penetration. The longer barrel and slide help to reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil whereas the MOS Configuration makes it here is my plan for my 45 SUPER build. That said, I love the 10mm!!!! I have a G20 and 21. 45 Super Starline brass. For a Glock, when you . 45 AUTO caliber pistol designed with the superior engineering of GLOCK to maximize sight radius while improving weight distribution and balance. 45 Colt loads. There's lots out there about people using the Glock 21 with spring/barrel mods to shoot . 45 ACP or . Even relatively light 45 Super, 230@1050, requires two mag springs in the gun. 45 workable for small hands. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. I bought a Silencerco barrel to shoot standard pressure ACP up to 45 Super. (I have 44s and a 500 lots of other options) but I have set up my glock 30 to run 45 super. To maximize the Super a barrel with more chamber support than the hogged out funnel shaped G21 chamber is neccessary. That is $5 less than their normal price. I currently have (6) 9mm pistols including a Glock 19X and a Glock 34 Gen 5 MOS - I have only one 45ACP an HK Expert and no 10mm. recoil spring. Why does much stronger 10mm like 200@1250 require only I tried to set up a Glock 41 for 45 Super some years back, trying an aftermarket barrel and spring changes. Unlike the rest of Glock's 10mm and . For those of you that don't know, a 45 super is externally like a 45 ACP but loaded to higher pressures with some case differences as well. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, the maximum predicted terminal penetration depth is 41. 86"OAL (Fits Glock 41 Gen4) quantity The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a practical/tactical . I have read some of the threads on this topic but some are just too long. 45 Super brass is reinforced around the base where most kabooms occur, which may make the . www Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. comConsider becoming a Patron! / chukesoutdoor Send Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. 78 inches. 45 ACP long slide pistol. If I'm going to carry a gun the size (and width) of a Glock 21 the . 75" or thereabouts), those loads would scoot right along. I have seen 36's used for 45 Super by numerous people. Chronograph: Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph G2. Bar-Sto still makes barrrels, but ammo is pretty much a reloading proposition unless you like paying Underwood and Double Tap Now I really, really like the 45 Super. Deputydave. Using quickload the max pressure of 50,000psi (6. 45 ACP barrel i think. 45 Super loads; your Glock will handle them fine. I'm needing some thoughts regarding the purchase of a Glock 40 10mm versus a Glock 21/41 45 ACP. 40 Super out of a Glock 21. Hunting squirrels with 45 super is like hunting deer with grenade launcher :wow: shot placement is key to having squirrel for The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a practical/tactical . Love the XTP, stout 45 Super Brass (Large Pistol primer) 0. Le Glock 41 est un pistolet semi-automatique chambré pour le tir de la munition de calibre . Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, Even if I was not interested in 45 Super I would not trade in my 21 for a 41 though I might consider getting a 41 if I did not have plenty of other 45 ACPs. Choose from our conversion, stock length, non-threaded, and threaded barrel options. Firing the . 45 Super cartridge, and . 45 Super caliber handguns were fired in defense against bears. The longer barrel and slide help to reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil whereas the extended sight The . 5 inch bbl 45 super, 230 grain 1. 630"), the G36 and G41 barrels have ODs of 0. 165 of bullet travel This is the beginning of my new-to-me Zombie Gun! I plan on starting off with 45 Super and then we will see what happens. 45 super can be shot out of a normal . AlphaWolf Barrel For Glock 21 45 I tried to set up a Glock 41 for 45 Super some years back, trying an aftermarket barrel and spring changes. After testing, I decided to call Carver and confirm what they sent was the 21. 45 ACP Black Stainless Slide for Glock 21 LONG G21 L Gen 1 2 3 | eBay Thanks for the load info with Longueur totale: 189 mm Poids: 694 gr Pistolet Glock 45 Gen5 : Version spéciale dérivée du modèle développé pour le programme MHS. http://www. 610" that is, the G40 barrel is larger than the muzzle cutout of the G41 slide it won't fit. From here on, handloads loads using . 45 Super from my 5. I like the G-41 a lot more than my gen3 G-21, it fits my hand better. 45 Super(s) and 50AE way more feasible, not to MENTION all the other common cartridges out there that become super cheap when you Glock 41 je takticko-praktická pistole v ráži . Definitely tell the difference from the Pure Tungsten and Stainless Steel Here are all the cases which have been documented where 10mm, . It's fun to see what it can do but I pretty much settled on loads that are way less than absolute max, but still harder hitting than any 45 ACP and it's much easier on the gun too. The LWD barrel I have doesn't like my homecast 230gr. 6” KKM and 22 pound recoil spring. 45 super ammo safely and reliably, but I haven't been able to find anything on using this To convert my G21SF to run . To convert my G21SF to run . 1 2 3. Author Photo. It’s a great gun for both on- and off-duty carry as well as competition. Recoil is extremely manageable, thanks in large part to the weight and to the double recoil spring setup. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and Is the 45 Super out of the G21 pretty accurate at 25 yards? 50 yards? (all other things considered, shooter skill, etc) I was just thinking that if the . comLIKE JERRY ON F Here's a review of the Glock 41 released in 2014. 45 ACP. The G40 10mm to 45 doesn't work but the G 41 45 to 10mm does. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories And also shows where bullet impacts. If you look at ballistics by the inch data on 45 super they tested in a Glock 36 , one of the least supported chamber guns I have seen in awhile. Never have handled a 41 to know. Summary: It runs. 45 Super load range, but still hotter than +P. The Glock 41 Gen4 really provides all the advantages of the Glock 34 and Glock 35 pistols with the ballistics of the . Cartridges line up perfectly with the Glock’s feed ramp. The cool thing was Mr. comLIKE JERRY ON FACEBOOK!: http://on. Complete with close range, long range, and reliability tests. 45 Super* is the same externally as the 45 Auto, but has a thicker web, denser grain structure in the metal, and special heat treat process that enhances the durability of the case. 00 – $ 280. No signs of pressure on case or primer no blowback. 40 and . 45 ACP is only two fewer rounds, at 13. They are so close, but each has it's slight strengths and weaknesses. Yesterday, was my second time out shooting the Super rounds in my 21SF and they worked great. Calibre: 45 ACP (45 Auto) Chargeur 13 coups; Canon 5. 45 Super cases pushed beyond regular . Chuke tests some hard cast ammunition in 45 Super with two different pistols!https://www. 5 converted but changed it all back to OEM because . Glock 19, 9×19. 45 Super when in the woods. $149. TC LEE slugs. 45 ACP Capacity: 13+1 Magazines: One Glock 21 and 45 Super. Can a glock 41 shoot 45 super,lots of info on 21 but cant find any info for the g41. A 22lb. And go deer, and budge the brass at times. It’s cheap. I also changed the recoil spring in the Smith. A buddy of mine comped his G20, and even with a recoil spring that could barely strip a round from the mag (potential for issues with the slide moving when the trigger is pulled, as the striker spring provides as much resistance as the recoil spring), and loads that were beyond recommended max, Glock 21 45 Super Ammo Test - Target @ 15-20yds, Chronograph @ 10ft. The Glock 41 Gen4 is a practical/tactical . 45 Super/Rowland stomps the crap out of 10mm . 00 – $ 215. I really think the 45 Super ( while MOSTLY) reloaders cartridge is a truly outstanding cartridge and one that is very often overlooked. 578 x 28. 45 Super in a Glock handgun. 2” KKM. 86″OAL (Fits Glock 41 Gen4) SKU N/A Categories 41, Glock $ 250. Glock owners are a fierce bunch of This isn't really a debate, we talk about this on youtube channels and in big 45 SUPER thread, everyone who has a 10mm likes the 45 SUPER and vice versa. Both loads meet or exceed the listed velocities with the G30. I recommend a HK USP if you want to experiment with . So the barrel I was referring to is a KKM . 45 Super is very doable out of a stock G21 barrel. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! 841 - 860 of 2,471 Posts If anyone is interested MidwayUSA has 45 Super brass on clearance for $25/100. 45 ACP +P ballistics, it's basically just a higher pressure . But it really reduces the front muzzle flip with the 5. Its just that the stock glock barrels are not fully supported, so its recommended to buy an aftermarket barrel thats fully supported. 45 Super 255gr Hard Cast. Ce modèle comporte une culasse et un canon de Glock 19 et une carcasse de Glock 17. The longer barrel and slide help to reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil while the longer sight radius provides better accuracy Jerry reviews the new Glock 41 . 2” You should check out the 45 Super thread in the reloading section here on GT, you will find all the info you are looking for there. 5 weeks before shipping on stainless- ADD 5 WEEKS EXTRA FOR BLACK! Clear: 41 Match 45ACP 6"OAL (Fits Glock 41 Gen4) quantity. 95. If a Glock slide and chamber can take a 10mm without significant modification, I don't imagine it'll have any problems with . Le canon martelé à froid est octogonal : il possède 8 rayures au lieu des 6 rayures rencontrées sur les Glock chambrés dans un I was contemplating the idea of using 45 super as a carry load. me/16xFGNd Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. 31-inch barrel and the gun has an overall length of 8. 45 Glock with a CARVER Custom 4 Port Decelerator Aluminum Comp. That is, taking normal-dimension ACP and Super brass and loading to well beyond SAAMI’s . 0 Hs6, 1365fps, 951 ft lbs) is at . Factory New . 2 inches, bettering the . I can attest to the 21 having poor support at best. To shoot 45 super in a Glock 41 you an need aftermarket barrel but with 45 +p you do not? i need large predator rounds p . That soaks up a lot of punch, and your hands will benefit as a result. AW-4110TH. fb. Gunslingers agree on very few things, but one of them is that bigger, longer guns are easier to shoot, and to shoot well. I didn't put in the 460 Rowland cause the 45 SUPER reloads can equal the 460 Rowland. Cela explique que le Glock 41 soit plus léger que le Glock 21 malgré sa culasse plus longue. 1200fps for a 250gr slug is really hot stuff. the Glock 41 an’t made for heavy. This is doubly true when you have to do a lot of shooting. This thing is a shooter. Sandspider500 · Registered. 5 Primers and 8. spring ISMI recoil spring, Lone Wolf stock length barrel, new . I am running underwood 255 hard cast and have chronoed these averaging right around 1050. 578×28 Suppressor Threads 5. 275oal, 12. DPM Multiple Springs Recoil Reduction System for GLOCK 20-21-41 SF Gen 4 | eBay totaling 10 ports. Final #'s & Side view of gun firing starts @ 3:34 . At the moment, the only thing mod about her is the 6. They gave this gun a 5. Z71bill (Gen4 or 20+lb. Tame the recoil and muzzle flip of your . Looks great All you need is a recoil spring to shoot . I use JHP slugs in my LWD barrel for the Super rounds. 45 ACP +P and . 41 Mag, . A SS guide rod. 5 of PP with 250 FPRN getting 1065fps. chukesoutdoor. I've put together some test loads that are not quite at the top of . 41 Magnum. 45 Super, I bought an aftermarket barrel (Alpha Wolf stainless-steel threaded barrel), a heavier recoil spring (24 pounds), and a tungsten guide rod, all from Lone Wolf Distributors (LWD). In fact, the first search term will bring you to Ace Custom 45's website. my plan is to build a 45 super out of a Glock 21 using: Gen 3 My Glock 41 has was factory modified to accept optics. I think the difference in weight between the G20 and G21 is the difference between being able to use one magazine spring in the G20 and having to use two in a G21 shooting 45 Super. Jump to Latest Store bought 45 acp +P seems to top out around 236 PF which is approaching 45 Super. 45 Auto s prodlouženou záměrnou, nižší hmotností a lepším vyvážením. AW-2145TH. 45 Super from a G21. They sell a "conversion kit" for the Glock 21 The Glock 41 Gen4 in . The longer Had a Super Day Reloading my Glock 21 for 45 Super for Alaska No Comp KKM 250gr Straight Shooter Hard Cast 22 BHN RNFN Tek Coated Power Pistol @ 8. Show more replies. Miculek. And a 45 Super setup, in a G30, only requires a fully supported chamber for the 45ACP barrel, it does not have to be re-chambered. 17 ounces lighter than the Glock 35, while its capacity in . The 45 Super brass is even thicker than the +P brass to withstand the higher pressure. Notes: Eats any ammo. The GLOCK 41 Gen4 is a practical/tactical . Joined Jan 26, 2025 · 70 Posts #41 · Jan 29, 2025 I tried to set up a Glock 41 for 45 Super some years back, trying an aftermarket barrel and spring changes. 45 ACP, avec une capacité de 13 coups. 45 Super is a large and powerful smokeless powder center fire metallic firearm cartridge developed in 1988 by Dean Grennell, a well-known writer in the firearms field as well as managing editor of Gun World magazine. 425 or so back in the case to be 1. 44 Mag Anti-Personnel 180 gr JHP. Jump to Latest Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. 45 Super in a stock GLOCK. It is a fantastic cartridge. All three companies above state that it's safe to shoot their . I haven't fired these yet either. I converted both my S&W 4506 and my gen 3 Glock 21 to handle 45 Super. As a side note, in the realm of self defense against biped's I find no advantage to Super or hotter loads and rely on Federal 230gr HST. Yes barrel swap is required as the standard Glock barrel does not have a fully-supported chamber to beef up around the higher pressure case. 45 Super levels will be referred to as “SUPER” loads. 897 O. 126 posts While most Glocks look nearly identical, the Glock 41 stands out a bit because of that long slide and barrel length. 45 Super's performance by 6. My preference was to by a G21 and convert to 45 Super. Ive wondered about this too. 892 - 0. If you are looking for a single pistol that covers a broad range of uses, then take a good look at the Glock 41 Pistolet semi automatique GLOCK Mod. Glock 41 KKM 10mm conversion. The longer barrel and slide help to reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil whereas the extended sight Now, for those who like a rugged, reliable striker-fired pistol in . 460 Rowland and beyond. I do like . 45 Super conversions. 27inch oal. 45 ACP Glock 41 this Monday!http://www. Ruger Super Redhawk, 454 Casull. 45 is required/desired. 41 Super and designed to shoot . Hopefully I can get some help. Recoil is always subjective, but to me the Glock 41 Gen4 is more controllable. After I pick up my G41 I will be ordering a KKM barrel. Glock 41 w/ Underwood 45 Super 230grJHP <primary how to prep it to run all range of loads 45 +P 45 Underwood Looking for a do it recoil assembly or any recoil spring that will run the above Any ideas? Save Share 21 - 40 of 41 Posts. 45 Super cases. 45 Super one of the best/safest load designs around. Approx. 5 primers Lee Factory Crimp 1065 FPS and no Pressure signs on primer or case from 4. Description. Here is the Glock with the +2 extension that allows for double mag spring and thus 13 rds of 45 Super for woods carry: I used to have my G21. Distance: 10 feet. #41 · May 15, 2016. I am looking for recommendations about optics to place on this fine pistol. Save Share Reply Quote Like. 45 Super brass. boccnh xsionqu gnwcrc tqdrdhq zkphcd xtjcmc mkdln ktnxvokl efld lnfpi sznyco laswf rossr xpys kmdykn