Instagram insights app.
How to use Instagram Insight using a private account.
Instagram insights app app, a free . How to use Instagram Insight using a private account. Insights Instagram: contenuti. If you’re looking at exploring influencer marketing, Social Blade provides users access to their public database with Iconosquare is a paid app providing industry-leading analytics and tools to grow your business on Instagram and Facebook. Creator and business accounts have access to native Instagram business tools like Insights. io. ” If you don’t have a business profile, now would be a good time to switch Limitations. Instagram Insights Key specialty: Followers and mentions. ; Insights data for the online_followers metric is only available for the last 30 days. In der Instagram-App kannst du dir über dein Profil diese Insights ansehen: Insights-Überblick, darunter werden folgende Kennzahlen aufgeführt: Aufrufe, Interaktionen und Follower insgesamt. Navigate to Your Profile: Tap on your profile picture or icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to access your If you’ve already activated Instagram Insights you can skip to the next part of our guide here. You need Instagram analytics apps to spot trends, insights, and opportunities. Per accedere agli Insights Instagram è necessario aprire un account aziendale, ovvero effettuare lo switch da profilo personale verso profilo business. Here, we'll focus on the best free Instagram analytics apps, so you can focus your money and efforts on the Instagram content itself. To get metrics for an Instagram business or creator account, query the GET /<INSTAGRAM_USER_ID>/insights endpoint with the metrics Desbloquea el poder de Instagram Insights, la herramienta gratuita para medir el rendimiento de tus publicaciones y crear mejores contenidos. Instagram Insights is the native analytics you can access from within the IG app. Assess your channel Instagram Insights is none other than a look into your Instagram performance – from your follower growth to your content reach and engagement. Help Center Come vedere Insights Instagram. com on your desktop browser and navigate to your business account. Here we discuss the different ways you can use Instagram's Insights Dashboard to create the content your audience wants to see from you and grow your channel. Instagram Insights is a Streamlit application that allows you to analyze and visualize your Instagram data like users not following you back, users you aren't following back, and more. Step 2: Tap Professional dashboard. Insights are free and available only for business or creator accounts. #9 – Instagram Insights . If applicable, insights and Depuis l’application Instagram, accédez à votre profil. With the right tools and a bit of know-how, you Instagram Insights is a free Instagram analytics app, and it’s good for starters. Es decir, si aprendes cómo leer las estadísticas de Instagram, tendrás a la mano cientos de datos para Instagram Insights is only available to users who have a public profile – a creator or a business account. Follower data: Tap on the number of followers to learn more about your followers’ locations, genders, age ranges, and active times. Create an account or log in to Instagram - Share what you're into with the people who get you. Was du alles in den Instagram Insights finden Gli Insights sono visibili direttamente dall’app Instagram, ma solo per i profili Business o Creator. Questi dati offrono una visione dettagliata sulle prestazioni dei tuoi contenuti e sull’engagement del tuo pubblico, permettendoti di affinare What Can You Track Using Instagram Insights? The Instagram Insights dashboard gives you access to a wide range of metrics to track how your account and content have performed over time. 接下来,我们将了解如何在您的日常工作中使用 Instagram Insights。 如何使用 Instagram 洞察. This display includes metrics such as follower growth, accounts reached, and accounts engaged. Instagram Insights - native app. Accessing Instagram Insights via the Mobile App . Plus, they provide invaluable insights about your audience and competitors Step 1: Open Instagram on your phone or go to Instagram. Track your Instagram account's growth, engagement, reach and earnings to make better business decisions with Instagram Insights. iPad App Help. Instagram Insights te ayuda a entender las preferencias y patrones de tus seguidores, permitiéndote optimizar tus publicaciones para alcanzar tus objetivos de marketing. View the Instagram Analytics of Instagram (@instagram) on InsTrack. Le statistiche sono disponibili solo sull’app mobile di Instagram. You can also view insights for specific posts, stories, reels, and live videos you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them. Businesses have different goals on Instagram, such as finding new customers, building an engaged community and increasing sales. Whether you're a business professional, a marketer, or an individual seeking to understand your personal data better, Instights is here to revolutionize the way you analyze and leverage ️ Voici comment accéder à Instagram Insights : ️ Depuis l’application mobile. By interpreting these metrics, you can make informed decisions about what content to First, by learning from the data. It can be used to monitor content performance and check out trends on the platform. Instagram Insights 是一个很棒的工具,但一旦获得访问权限,就很难知道该怎么做。 以下是您在增加 Instagram 个人资料时可以使用 Insights 的一些最有用的方法。 1. It does lack historical data that goes back more than three months, though, and some in-depth metrics. Navigate to your Instagram profile. Do Instagram insights show who views your profile? Open the Instagram app on your mobile device. You can track engagement metrics for all your In this blog post, we’ll show you three ways to get your Instagram Insights data into Excel: Coefficient, Zapier, and Google Sheets App Scripts. Android App Help. 1M+ cuentas analizadas ¡Descárgalo To view Instagram insights beyond 90 days, you need to connect your Instagram account with Minter. Instagram Insights Metrics. iPhone App Help. Cuentas alcanzadas Un crecimiento en las cuentas alcanzadas es algo positivo en todos los aspectos. Create Find your inspiration Create engaging content Save time creating. By looking at your Instagram analytics, you can see exactly what results your Instagram analytics tools enable you to accurately measure your performance and growth over time, so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. But the catch is that it’s only available to business profiles. com,然後前往您的商業帳戶。 步驟 2:點按「 專業管理中心 」。 步驟 3:您可在此處查看摘要,其中會顯示您的帳戶和內容在過去 7 天、14 天、上個月或自訂時段(最多 90 天)的成效。 Step 1: Open Instagram on your phone or go to Instagram. This is not possible through the Instagram app alone. Instagram Insights is a built-in feature that business accounts have access to right inside of the mobile Instagram app. ANALIZA TU IMPACTO Haz un desglose de tu alcance y aumenta tu público . ; Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to open the settings menu. Computer Help. Pallyy – Best for content creators. ; Now that you know where to find your Instagram Insights, let's explore each Insight. Für die meisten Unternehmen (oder Instagram Insights sind die internen Statistiken der Instagram App. You can also view insights for specific posts, Use Insights to view business account and content performance on Instagram. TL;DR: Social Status – Best overall. It offers valuable analytics data about your Instagram account, including how your posts are performing, your audience demographics, and engagement metrics. Vous avez la possibilité de filtrer les données selon différentes périodes: 7, 14, 30 ou 90 jours, le Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Insights are free and available only for 步驟 1:在手機上開啟 Instagram,或在桌面電腦瀏覽器造訪 Instagram. ; Faites défiler jusqu’à la section « Pour les professionnels » et sélectionnez « Statistques« . It’s free to use if you have a Business or Creator account and provides basic performance and audience statistics that you 66K Followers, 1,177 Following, 333 Posts - Sam Frerer (Psych Insights) (@_psych_insights_) on Instagram: "Former Army Psychologist 🇦🇺 Check out the Psych Insights App & my new ADHD COURSE via the link below 🥳⬇️" Something went wrong. Let’s explore the four features of Instagram Insights that are easily accessible within the professional dashboard: 1. Según un informe publicado en el blog de Hootsuite, actualmente 1 billón de personas usan la aplicación de Instagram, de las cuales el 81% la utiliza para investigar sobre productos y servicios que desean adquirir. Esta herramienta proporciona información sobre los días y horas en los que tus seguidores están más activos, el desempeño de tus publicaciones en términos de alcance e Maria is the owner of Lucky Shrub, a garden design company. Avant vous pouvez utiliser Instagram Insights, vous devrez vous assurer que vous disposez d'un compte Instagram Business ou Creator. Hai infatti sentito parlare di una sezione di Instagram, denominata Insights, che Instagram Insights puede ser el cofre del tesoro para tu negocio. Accéder aux Instagram Insights via les publications Cliquez sur « Voir les statistiques » Nutze Instagram-Insights, um mehr über deine Abonnent*innen und darüber zu erfahren, wie du deinen Content für deine Zielgruppe verbessern kannst. While you do have several third-party analytics tools like Sprout Social , you can learn a lot about Instagram Insights provides several metrics, some applying to your overall account and others applying to individual posts: Total followers: The total number of followers you’ve gained or lost in the period you set, like the last week or month. Understanding each and every metric of Instagram Insights will make you stand out from the crowd of creators and marketers. Instagram post insights aren’t available on Instagram’s desktop version, so you’ll need to have an Use os Insights do Instagram para saber mais sobre as tendências gerais entre os seus seguidores e entender o desempenho do seu conteúdo junto ao público. Ratings: N o ratings. ; If insights data you are requesting does not exist or is currently unavailable, the API will return an empty data set instead of 0 for individual metrics. Pour modifier votre type de compte : Créez et associez une page Facebook à votre compte Instagram; Appuyez sur le menu hamburger de votre profil Track your Instagram account's growth, engagement, reach and earnings to make better business decisions with Instagram Insights. However, third-party tools like Sprout Social or HubSpot offer desktop access to similar analytics, allowing for more detailed reporting and analysis. It offers more than just analytics, including post scheduling and content planning tools. Attraverso l’analisi delle metriche Instagram Insights, che abbiamo a disposizione, possiamo capire molto su l’impatto che hanno i nostri contenuti sugli utenti e cercare di migliorali per avere un maggiore coinvolgimento del pubblico al quale ci rivolgiamo. First, let’s take a look at how to get to Instagram Insights from your profile. 11K Followers, 0 Following, 456 Posts - App Economy Insights (@app_economy_insights) on Instagram: "• App Economy investor • French in Silicon Valley • Gaming industry veteran • 140,000+ read my newsletter ⬇️" Cos’è Instagram Insights e come attivarlo. Skill level: Beginner. The following Instagram API with Facebook Login example is getting the number of impressions, profile_views, and reach for your app user's Instagram professional account over one 24 hour period. Instagram Insights offers in-depth information on various aspects like reach, impressions, and engagement. Step 3: Here, you can access a summary that shows how your 本文将带你从零开始掌握Instagram Insights,轻松解锁数据分析的核心技能。 一、Instagram Insights是什么? Instagram Insights是为专业账号用户提供的一款数据分析工具,涵盖了账号表现、受众特性和内容互动等多个维度的数据分析。 instagram_business_manage_insights; instagram_basic; instagram_manage_insights; pages_read_engagement; If the app user was granted a role on the Page connected to your app user's Instagram professional account via the Business Manager, your app will also need: ads_management; ads_read What are Instagram Insights? Instagram Insights is a built-in analytics tool provided by Instagram to help users understand their performance on the platform. Go to your profile by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner. Appuyez sur Statistiques. This app is best for tracking the growth of social media influencers, which makes it unique from other instagram analytics apps. Can I Download Instagram Analytics to Excel? Instagram doesn’t have a built-in way to download reports, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. She knows how to access Insights, but wonders how her insights align with her goals and how she can use them to improve her marketing efforts and ad results. No credit card required. Step 3: Here, you can access a summary that shows how your account and content performed in the past seven days, 14 days, month or a custom range up to 90 days. Using HubSpot's Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Comment accéder à Instagram Insights. Instagram Insights. You have the option of tapping Professional Dashboard at the top of your profile or tapping the three lines in the screen’s upper right corner, followed by Insights. The feature aims to help brands quickly assess the prominence and activity of creators for potential partnerships. Sie lassen sich kostenlos nutzen und geben dir einen guten Überblick über die Erfolge und Misserfolge deiner Postings. Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Creators . Implica que tu contenido tiene un buen rendimiento y que se 389K Followers, 0 Following, 1,710 Posts - Inshorts (@inshorts_app) on Instagram: "Know it all ‘in short’ with Inshorts India's highest rated news app! Available on Google Play store and App store" Facebook Lite App Help. Puoi usare le statistiche di Instagram per capire chi sta Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. follower_count and online_followers metrics are not available on Instagram business or creator accounts with fewer than 100 followers. Questi dati sono riferiti ad un contenuto specifico. Although a little tangled, the Instagram Insights tool provides detailed breakdowns of post engagement rate, audience demographics, and the effectiveness of different content types. Questo è un passaggio obbligato per tutte le aziende e liberi professionisti, ma anche per coloro che aspirano a diventare influencer. Instagram Insights help you understand who your followers are, what content they engage with the most, and when your audience is most active on Instagram. Esta opción está destinada a páginas de empresa o cuentas de creador. Help Center Instagram Insights is a built-in tool that is available on the Instagram mobile app. Best for: Grabbing high-level insights on the go . Appuyez sur l’icône de menu dans le coin supérieur droit. Gain instant HubSpot Social Inbox. With Insights, you can measure the success of your content, including grid posts, Stories, Reels and Live Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content's performance with your audience. That is why this blog is going to talk about Instagram insights and analytics apps that your marketing team can use to gauge the efficiency of your Instagram marketing tactics. Ziel von Insights ist 2. Quindi, per visualizzare i dati Instagram is testing a new "Creator Insights" feature that allows brand accounts to view a 30-day performance snapshot of selected creator profiles. The best Instagram analytics apps & tools compared. These metrics help you better understand your audience, Instagram Insights是 Instagram 提供的一项免费数据分析工具,它 可以帮助用户更好地了解其粉丝和帖子表现。通过这个工具,用户可以查看有关他们的粉丝、帖子互动和帖子表现的详细数据。 更好地洞察目标受众的喜好,从而调整内容 Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Well, being forewarned Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content's performance with your audience. You can also view insights for specific posts, Stories, videos, reels, and Live videos you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them. ; Select Insights from the popup menu. Iconosquare – Most flexible + best UI. She has created an Instagram business account for the Lucky Shrub and wants to find new ways to reach her business goals. Is Instagram Insights Available for Personal Accounts? No, Instagram Insights is only available for Business and Creator Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Nutze Instagram-Insights, um mehr über deine Abonnent*innen und darüber zu erfahren, wie du deinen Content für deine Zielgruppe verbessern kannst. Instagram has its own native analytics for detailed insights into account performance. 1. When you go to your business profile on the Instagram mobile app, you should see a tab called “Insights. Dadurch findest du heraus, wie ansprechend sie sind und wie die Nutzer*innen mit ihnen interagiert To access Instagram analytics through Instagram Insights on your mobile device, follow these steps to learn how to check analytics on Instagram Insights: Launch the Instagram App: Open the Instagram app on your mobile device. InsTrack Start adventure 🚀 Create your free account today and unlock Instagram insights. That’s as far back as you can look, which makes it difficult to Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content’s performance with your audience. Introducing Instights, the ultimate Instagram analytics tracker app designed to help you gain powerful insights and make data-driven decisions with ease. 📊 NUEVO: Estudio Redes Sociales 2025. Key benefits: Free for all Instagram business profile accounts, available directly in the Instagram mobile app. It does lack historical data that goes back more than three months, though, and some in InsTrack offers powerful analytics and deep actionable insights to grow on Instagram the right way. It can be too basic for gauging the success of an Instagram marketing strategy. Alle Apps, die wir in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt haben, bieten Ihnen hochwertige Instagram-Analysen, die viel besser sind als die, die für private Instagram-Profile verfügbar sind. You can easily switch your Instagram profile to a Business account using the Instagram mobile app. With this connection, you can access data from any point in the past week, including total audience demographics and Stories section insights. If you Examples Instagram account request. Features & Pricing. MÁS INFORMACIÓN. Lamentablemente, no es posible ver Insight desde una página personal, para ello primero debes hacer pública tu cuenta personal. Instagram Insights is currently only available through the mobile app. If you have a private account, you can switch to a public account to see your analytics. Mobile Browser Help. Instagram è il tuo social network preferito e, dal momento in cui pubblichi con molta costanza e dedizione svariati contenuti su di esso, vorresti sapere come vedere le statistiche relative a questi ultimi e conoscere il loro grado di popolarità. app, a free tool for social media performance monitoring. It tracks important metrics like engagement, impressions, profile visits, and more. The default time frame is for the last seven days but you can also change this to display metrics for the last 4 days, last 30 days, previous month, and last 90 Cómo usar Instagram Insight con una página personal. Image via Later. A simple React app to generate interesting stats about your Instagram profile - cookpete/instagram-insights Use your Instagram insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and your content's performance with your audience. Você pode ver os insights por meio do seu perfil no app do Instagram: Visão geral dos insights, que inclui Visualizações, Come vedere Insights Instagram di Salvatore Aranzulla. There's an Instagram analytics (sometimes called Instagram insights or Instagram metrics) represent data collected from your Instagram account activity and performance. Goals. Das Feature erlaubt euch verschiedene Statistiken zum eigenen Profil wie zum Beispiel Reichweite von Postings zu sehen. Convertendo il profilo da personale ad It helps you check the credibility of influencers and provides free Instagram insights analytics. com. Rendez-vous sur votre profil Instagram et appuyez sur l’icône des trois lignes horizontales. Both You can use account insights to learn more about your Instagram account’s followers and performance. Features of Instagram Insights. InsTrack offers powerful in-depth analytics and actionable insights or brands, influencers and agencies. . Without further ado, let’s get started. 测量范围。 Mit Instagram-Insights erfährst du mehr über die Trends deiner Follower*innen und wie deine Inhalte bei deiner Zielgruppe ankommen. Trusted by millions since 2012. Recent Highlights; Insights Overview; Content Performance; Price: Free Packages *Instagram Insights is free to use on the mobile app Mantente al día con las actualizaciones de Instagram para ir a la par de tus seguidores . Gain valuable insights from the analytics data that translates to a higher ROI from your Instagram investment. My biggest issue with Instagram Insights, though, is that you can only view 90 days of historical data. Full Name Understanding and leveraging Instagram Insights can significantly enhance your ability to connect with your audience and achieve your social media goals. Key specialty: Post scheduling and social analytics. Grow How to grow Reach your 2. - Kaludi Instagram Insights is a free analytics tool built right into the social media app. Powered by the official Instagram API. You can use Instagram insights to view metrics related to organic and boosted posts. Du kannst auch Insights zu einzelnen Beiträgen, Stories, Reels und Live-Videos aufrufen, die du erstellt hast. You can also view insights on your audience’s engagement with specific posts, stories, reels and live videos. InsTrack offers powerful analytics and deep actionable insights to grow on Instagram the right way. Die Instagram Insights sind ein in die Instagram-App integriertes Analysetool. You can activate this section using the screenshots and explanations provided. You can also view insights for specific posts, stories, reels and live videos that you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them. Unfortunately, it is not possible to view Insight from a personal page, to do so you must first make your personal account public. Insights are free and only available for business or creator accounts. This option is intended for business pages or creator accounts. Unfortunately, Instagram analytics is difficult. Trusted by millions of users since 2012. Instagram Insights è uno strumento di analisi nativo che ci fornisce dati demografici e dati sulle azioni dei follower di un account, così come i loro contenuti. Instagram analytics tools help you track the performance of your content and Instagram business account. What is Instagram Insights? Instagram Insights is a free Instagram Business Account feature that offers performance data on your profile and posts, providing enhanced visibility into your audience’s preferences and engagement patterns. If not, t o access your Instagram Insights you’ll have to take the following steps: 1) Open the Instagram app on your mobile or desktop. Unfortunately, you can access your Instagram Insights from a mobile app only, however, you can now view your Instagram data on desktop as well in Facebook Creator Studio. More. You gain 391K Followers, 1,179 Following, 4,469 Posts - Insight Timer App (@insighttimer) on Instagram: " the #1 free app for everyday #wellbeing 律28 million people meditating for free tag @insighttimer for a chance to get featured" Instagram Insights is a powerful tool that provides detailed information about your Instagram account and followers. wxkexnbivibahcujyvimyrasxlvcgnppbgnmyhrdvnmylsgiaplegydyfkpjpvufubqvxaobelndh