Mc7455 at commands Matt The MC7455 is an AirPrime PCI Express high speed connectivity in a mini card which is compact, lightweight, wireless LTE-Advanced and UMTS based modem. I see Apparently the modem is not responding to commands and the serial for the AT commands is no longer the past produced one click updaters to change the settings to recover units but I do not know of one to do it on the MC7455 right now, you are going to need to push back through your commercial channel i. However the command does not seem to be implemented, or I am doing something wrong i have a Linux laptop and i cant get it to recognize my MC7455 at all. at!band=0E Commands used for T-Mobile Hello everybody, I’m currently trying to get a EM7455 M. Also what are the AT commands to On an MC7455 you can only do CAx2 so this is not always the case. The third one accepts AT commands. 70 posts • Page 1 of 1. You signed out in another tab or window. So that you can provide the AT commands. 01. but i am confused how one can issue AT commands to a device that doesnt enumerate. We have already tried different sim cards different modems of the same kind and different antennas, but the signal quality always stays at 0% percent, and we do not get a functioning connection. 15 of TS 27. But again, I’m (zainul) from Malaysia and in the process try to install MC7455 on X220T but as of now not successfull. To run AT commands MC7455 Revision: SWI9X30C_02. c. i. Re: AT Commands to modem in MBIM mode? Post by SiB » Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:13 am. 1rc1 ? You can enter that info to v7. Most instances work reliably and in general we are almost satisfied. Run the following AT commands to set to LTE only, and set the USB Composition to something that works with ROOter. I've gotten CAx3 on T-Mobile and I only got it by locking bands. You should go through that related manual (Linux QMI Application Developer Guide) where it stated all related commands and syntaxes. By default, the MC7455 will be in QMI mode which much be changed to the MBIM mode for various OpenWRT, LEDE, and ROOter frimware builds. For the MC7455 you can download an AT command guide from Sierra Wireless (though you have to create an account) but you hopefully won't need any commands that aren't in this guide. AT!BAND=02,"LTE B2 (1900 MHz PCS)", 0, 2 AT!BAND=04,"LTE B12 (700 MHz Lower B/C/A)", 0, 800 I input the bands I wanted into cell B-15 and copied the command from C-14. This LTE Fix It Series topic will demonstrate how to connect a Sierra Wireless AirPrime MC7455 and EM7455 modem to a Windows based PC/Laptop. Hi, We have two sets of SIMs from T-Mobile. If the MC7455 AT Commands were used to change composition (i. To my knowledge we do not have any logic on our servers that is changing this setting. Updated Jan 12, 2025; Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the mc7455 topic page so that developers can more easily MC7455 receive the message and find it can’t set its link layer protocol to Ethernet mode by it only support RawIP or fail to set with some reason. MX8M Mini | Internet of Things Gateway SBC | Compulab) with the MC7455 connected via Mini PCIe. 0 Replies Sierra Wireless AirPrime® Embedded Wireless Modules MC Series High-speed connectivity in a mini-card form factor Sierra Wireless AirPrime® MC Series supports the latest 4G and 3G networks EM7565 stuck in the QDLoader mode, with only one COM port showing, should refer to this TUTORIAL. Option 2: Sierra Wireless MC7455 | EM7455 -- AT! Command Guide. This already worked great on an MC7304 consuming up to 800 mA. The second set has static IP with APN=b2b. 8, libqmi 1. We are testing a negative test case of trying to send an SMS with a SIM card inserted that cannot send SMS messages, using AT commands. How do I send ping commands to an external server using Sierra MC7455 modules? jyijyi February 7, 2020, 1:28am 2. 2 adapter, (API) but is most commonly set up using AT commands which are explored below. Sierra has pretty good modems unless you are on Sprint then I advise you to not use the MC7455 variant due to a lot of disconnects for most people who have it. by JimHelms » Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:04 pm. I have noticed a problem with the MC7455 in that the AT!SELRAT=01 command works on both modules, the MC7455 does not hold that setting after power is disconnected. With REV B, I observed that when the UICC request for a SIMToolKit REFRESH command (80 12 00 00 0B D0 09 81 03 01 01 04 82 02 81 82), the modem takes around 10 seconds to reset the UICC. Keep in mind that some of these band are only on the MC7455 and some of them are only on the EM7565 When using these commands make sure you change the at!band=** index to the numbers that you are not using ex. Reload to refresh your session. AT+CNUM returns the subscriber number - but implementation of this AT command is optional. com" Sierra Wireless MC7455 | EM7455 -- AT! Command Guide. 19 4 4116238 5 November 2015 Updated Figure3-2 on page21 (RF block diagram) Updated system reset time (SYSTEM_RESET_N—Reset Input on page32) While this is a Sierra forum, I understand you can change the Quectel EP06 modem IMEI via sending AT commands such as . com. I tested on the MC7455 if failed then moved the SIM to another (HL series) and it read the list out using this command so there was definitely one on the SIM card. lsusb or lsusb –t Once the module is detected, then provide this command to get the USB ports info : ls /dev/ttyU* Any one of the USB port will be your AT port and provide that port number in Minicom. 04) On an MC7455 you can only do CAx2 so this is not always the case. Top. For instance, to place a MC7455 modem in MBIM composition uses the AT Command: Code: Select all. Pop the cover off the MikroTik LHG R, remove stickers on the included thermal pad and sandwich it between the MC7455 and the mPCI-e slot, connect up the antenna leads (black to "Main", grey to "Aux"), make sure both ends of both cables are secure (mine had Hi! I have bought MC7455 and MC Development Kit, mainly to evaluate the GNSS receiver capabilities. I experienced values in the range of 0 (idle) and approx ~41. ATi3. 4 and uses the open-source drivers (qcserial, qmi_wwan). static. Once the router loads back up the modem returns to automatic. I have AT command access. Next I started to look into the AT Commands to find anything which I need to automatically configure a MC7455 M2M modem that will be installed on Windows 10 computers around the US and Canada. My goal is to build a better (and cheaper) 4G router than my current Netgear LG6100D (Sprint). Normally I Hi I like to know what are the AT commands on the MC7455 to get the following info: MAC address of modem, DNS server address assigned to modem, SIM card network operator name, ICCID. I’m using a Linux laptop, connected to DevKit with USB. The module is working with a double APN SIM and i’m having some trouble during activation on data traffic of the activated data APN in LTE. The measurement has been taken with Comprion Minimove, so there are quite Installing OpenWRT/ROOter on a RBM33G/RBM11G Download the latest ROOter for the RBM33G Putty portable tftpd64 portable Extract all of the above to: C:\Users\Public\Downloads Setup Network Interface connected to RBM33G/RMB11G POE port: IP: 192. However, it’s a bit unclear for me which GNSS systems are available, and how to configure the receiver. The only commands I see for this are !maxpwr and !sarbackoff. I installed the MC7455 into the WE826, updated the firmware to ROOter, set the root password, the APN for T-Mobile, made a few adjustments on the WiFi and did a hard reboot (using the power cord). at!band=0E Commands used for T-Mobile Option 2: Sierra Wireless MC7455 | EM7455 -- AT! Command Guide. We can disconnect the +CCHO unsolicited response returns a "handle", which is of local significance only between the modem and the application issuing the AT commands; the application must sent CLA bytes where the logical channel bits are zero; the MT (Modem) will patch the logical number into it; For example, see the following exchange with a Sierra MC7455 modem: Hi, I got this MC7455, as well as a USB adapter with SIM card slot, to upgrade from my Sprint Franklin R850 Hotspot. Unfortunately when we execute the +CMGS command and are given the “>” prompt for the message, after a ^z is sent, the COM port freezes. Their straightforwardness and efficiency make them indispensable for connecting devices, configuring settings, and managing data transmission. Cellular communication has been fairly reliable so far, but my question has to do with getting GPS configured correctly. 01 r7792 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2018/07/13 02:24:52 MEID: 35907206917863 IMEI: 359072069178636 You signed in with another tab or window. Parameters: <id>: id of the connection (0~4), for multi-connect <length>: data length <data>: data received Conclusion. Playing around with AT commands, I decided to try the Generic We are looking to reduce the TX power of MC7455 when it gets too hot in our application. Use AT!SELRAT On an MC7455 you can only do CAx2 so this is not always the case. I got the device connected and flashed to the verizon firmware, and it will connect to the network and work successfully for about 10 seconds, and then it resets. urielka write: The short answer is that if you are using a PPPd connection on /dev/ttyUSB2 then you cannot send AT commands to the unit at all, there is no way around this. Im using Sierra Ril V7. The above selrat command does not work however (it always uses LTE), and at!selrat? results in: !SELRAT: Unknown RAT mode. 00 r6978 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/03/02 13:36:45 MEID: 35907206045169 IMEI: 359072060451693 IMEI SV: 9 FSN: LQ650551070110 +GCAP: +CGSM OK; Type exit to exit the Admin CLI. at!iccid is returning NOT IMPLEMENTED. I have a mc7455 in a PCI express to mini pci adapter, plugged in via USB header. I believe no issues from platform wise BUT believe pins configuration on MC7455 doesn’t follow the MPCIe pinout standard configuration. at!band=0E Commands used for T-Mobile On an MC7455 you can only do CAx2 so this is not always the case. whoever you bought it Information from the standard AT command set, available from 3GPP. I’ve downloaded PuTTY but can’t seem to access the COM port. 2 Mask: 255. I’m also new for Ubuntu (5 cents) where currently running Ubuntu 17. NOTE: This tutorial addresses numerous AT Commands and tips to explain the purpose and effects thereof. Thank you! Evan In general your modem has an tty port for AT commands, independantly of the QMI port. Hello, I want to test a EM7455 when draining maximum current for a thermal design. Antennas for the Sierra Wireless MC7455 mini PCI card. At this point installed GobiNet and now can connect to the modem via picocom. SiB Forum Guru Posts: 1888 Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:19 pm Location: Poland. I have successfully used these commands for 2 and 12. I send AT commands from Minicom to command and monitor MC7455. The input was T,2,12 and T2,12,66 When I did these commands the others had successfully added were already in place. Customers can configure these signals as Hello, As part of a solution to a different problem, we are trying to use at!selrat=1 to lock a MC7455 on an AT&T network to UMTS mode. The below text should appear, EM7565/EM7455/MC7455 - Modem Configuration. You can also use the AT commands for USSD transactions, e. 04) The MC7455 modules USB3 auto-sensing functionality can also be disabled by configuration of NV memory item update/system commands, effectively forcing the use of only USB2. Have a good day. 1rc1 and MC7455 in MBIM mode! In 7. How are these values mapped to the actual transmission power of the modem in dBm? Hi, Currently I am trying to get GPS messages (NMEA) through MC7455 module. tmobile. Prior to this I was installed MC7304 on X220T where it’s running fine as well as could get into internet with 4G LTE. Hi, I’m trying to set MC7455 to online mode with cfun at-command but I get this responce: at+cfun=1,0 +CME ERROR: operation not supported Why is that? How to get rid of it? br Model: MC7455 Revision: SWI9X30C_02. Driver check TLV value and find MC7455 still use RawIP mode so print ‘Data Format Cannot be set to Ethernet Mode’. 1. Code: Select all. Nothing we do can cancel the command, or get un-frozen. How to tutorials for modems, hotspots, dongles. 0 data interface pins #23, 25, 31, 33 on the top side of the mini PCIe data cards card socket so no connection to the hosts mini Page 1 AirPrime MC7455 Hardware Integration Guide 4118013 Rev 1 Proprietary and Confidential Contents subject to change; Page 3 Notice totally lost. static). 03. Equipment: New WG3526 and MC7455 (from The Wireless Haven) Antennae: Eightwood 2pcs 5dbi 3G 4G LTE Antenna SMA Plug Male Omni- Directional Here's the info that I've pulled using the various AT commands in hope someone with more experience might be able to point me in the right direction: Code: Select all. By right shouldn’t be any pins to be taped on MC7455. by Jflex113 » Thu May 03, 2018 9:29 am. , MBIM, QMI) on an EM75xx modem, refer to this TUTORIAL. Keep in mind that some of these band are only on the MC7455 and some of them are only on the EM7565 The MC7455 Mini Card provides three output signals (listed in Table 3-7) that may be used for host designs that incorporate tunable antennas. 0 Gateway: 192. My router is a brand new Linksys WRT1900ACS which I have loaded a fresh copy of the latest OpenWRT firmware. Therefore, I wanted to use AT commands and the testmode to generate as much heat as possible. The modem is on an AT&T-certified image running SWI9X30C_02. Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated Model: MC7455 Revision: SWI9X30C_02. Daniel Woods has also written a script with instruction for EM7565 stuck in QDLoader HERE. 30. 007 and related commands, to get the subscriber number. 255. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 1rc2 it doesn't work anymore . where the Hello, using AT-commands, I can obtain the transmission power of the MC7455 module by the !GSTATUS? command. It is for this reason that people generally use the QMI interface to start/stop data sessions which routes data over the network interface or use RMNet with at!scact=1,1 which starts the network connection. For example, how to AT commands work with 7. I purchased the MC7455 and a wwan to usb adapter with sim card slot. IoT Modules. AT!USBCOMP=1,1,10D Hello, Is it possible to add to our EM7455 AT command list to include commands from different device series, such as the RC76xx? I would like to configure the GPIO pins of the EM7455 to read and write similarly to the RC76xx series devices by I am developing an embedded system using the MC7455 mounted to an i. t-mobile. mc7455. While the modem is able to produce GPS fixes, I am not able to figure out what I need to do to get the GPS position To answer your question, here is the output of dmesg command regarding ttyUSB serial ports enumeration [ 5. Prior to this, I had tried install this MC7455 on Lenovo X220/X220T where come out with the same result unlike EM7455 where no issues. . 6: 1449: October 14, 2016 at!gpscoldstart. MX 6 board running Digi Embedded Yocto 4. This process is often necessary to up-date the modem’s firmware Besides using the AT command !RXDEN=, is there any setting in MC7455/EM7455 modem that will change diversity? We have several servers using this modem and we are seeing all three outputs (0, 1, 2) across these servers. The first set has static IP with APN=b2b. I tried to get the ICCID via AT commands. 00 r6978 CARMD-EV-FRMWR2 2017/03/02 13:36:45 MEID: 35457251218974 Hello, we are currently having a lot of trouble getting the Sierra Wireless MC7455 to connect to the internet. Another one of these /dev/ttyUSBx devices will probably be for NMEA, meaning that it's for talking to the built-in GPS. linux openwrt embedded-systems lte openwrt-multi-wan rooter sierra-wireless modem-manager modemmanager em7565 em7455 mc7455. urielka. Com ports opened and I was able to access the Com Ports to issue commands. g. This manual contains the AT Commands for the EM74XX and MC74XX series from Sierra Wireless. Just got several MC7354 along with dev kits. 307015] usb 2-2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB4 Using the incorrect AT Commands to change the composition of an EM7565/EM7511/MC7411 mode to QMI and/or MBIM is a common mistake which results in removing the modem's AT Command port. i am trying to upgrade from the 7355 as it doesnt support LTE. 1 and 10 android and Linux drivers; 300Mbps peak D/L rate, Sierra Wireless MC7455 To identify which cellular module your device is using, look at the part number of your device: Open a CLI session (Telnet or SSH) to the router (this can also be performed via the GUI using "Execute a command") and issue the following command: carrier ftp-carrier-info. All have the MC7455 for the modem. 0 interface always. Hooked up MC7455 via Windows PC, used that Russian Huawei AT application, and sent successful AT commands to switch the MC7455 to MBIM mode. If I understood correctly , ttyUSB0 --> is for diagnostic functionalities ttyUSB1 --> is for GPS ttyUSB2 --> is for sending AT commands. ) AT!entercnd="A710" AT!USBCOMP=1,1,1009 AT+cgdcont=1,"IP","fast. 305834] usb 2-2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB3 [ 5. We have about a dozen instances of an M2M application deployed in testing for some weeks now. 04 (64 bit) on DELL E7240 and MC7455 module. There is also a nice writeup on AT commands here. The SBC runs yocto kirkstone with ModemManager 1. So I moved over to Ubuntu and mbimcli to see if I could Hi Matt, Thanks for the info. Use Putty instead of the Huawei program; Option 3: Sierra Wireless EM7455: How to enable COM ports. The phenomenon is that the whole USB bus collapses affecting all devices on it, and this happens multiple times TUTORIAL DISCLAIMER: This tutorial is based on using a Windows PC and a Sierra MC7455 modem mounted in a mPCIE-to-USB adapter. ’ Tx and Rx packet and byte counters, Device uptime. I was trying to connect to the internet using Sierra wireless MC7455 under Ubuntu. com too of course. Tried to install the drivers and two ports showed up in my windows device manager - DM port and NMEA port. Manual Flashing Procedure (Ubuntu Linux 18. On an MC7455 you can only do CAx2 so this is not always the case. For troubleshooting this issue, you can isolate the USB3. using AT commands. Depending on where the computer will be located, the carrier that the computer will use will be based on the signal strength of the carrier in that area. When I used to have Gemalto modules, I was Sierra Wireless Forum EM7455 AT ping commands. Hello, I’m currently facing issues with the QMI connection to an MC7455. Unfortunately, the resulting transmission power has no unit assigned. AT!USBCOMP=1,1,1009. +CUSD Section 7. I tried to connect to DM port using I own two Sierra modems a MC7455 and a EM7455 they both run the most up to date version of the GENERIC firmware. My problem is I can’t get any of the drivers to load for the MC7455. 1rc2 [development] is released! and to support@mikrotik. Interesting. This product includes technology licensed from QUALCOMM®. (I only changed the APN to reflect T-Mobile 4G service in the area. AT commands are important for the operation of IoT devices, particularly those with WiFi modules. At first I downloaded the firmware generic 002_017_001, along with GenericDriverSetup_Build4581. 18. I did the following: select on SIM the file 3F00 “MF” AT+CSIM=14,“A0A40000023F00” +CSIM: 4,“6E00” OK select on SIM the file 2FE2 “ICCID” AT+CSIM=14,“A0A40000022FE2” +CSIM: 4,“6E00” OK read 10 bytes of file 2FE2 “ICCID” AT+CSIM=10,“A0B000000A” +CSIM: 4,“6E00” OK The last command should sent the I have checked in the AT Command Reference, but the directions for most commands are very poor, there are 15 options that can be disabled or enabled with 0 or 1, MC7455 not clear AT commands docs for GNSS. Also what are the AT commands to do a You can connect using minicom: minicom -o -D /dev/ttyUSB2 -b 9600 For the MC7455 you can download an AT command guide from Sierra Wireless (though you have to Test Commands—Commands required to place the modem in particular modes of operation, test host connectivity, and to configure the transmitters and receivers for test measurements. 2: 1163: December 12, 2017 MC7455 and GNSS. But it looks like /dev/ttyUSB2 is also being used by ModemManager, so that some AT commands might fail if sent at the same time. I already tried installation of the driver build 4743 or 4581, Skylight 4260 or 4442 What is the recommended way to support GPS while ModemManager is also running on MC7455? I can get GPS running by sending some AT commands to /dev/ttyUSB2 and then watching the NMEA strings on /dev/ttyUSB1. marchetto October 3, 2023, 6:27am 5. 1rc2 and they work only at 7. Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection menu. 304644] usb 2-2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB2 [ 5. morgan. MC7455 reply it set the link layer protocol to RawIP mode. Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the Sierra Wireless modem are used in a normal manner with a well-constructed network, the Sierra Wireless modem should not be used in I was able to configure the APN , but I couldn’t find a command to ping an external server. Unfortunatelly I do not have a RF tester or a good LTE signal for real data transmission, so I have to rely on the Hello. the driver for usb/serial needs to be loaded to expose this port Hi everyone, I want to setup my MC7455 to use 4G on my computer. Thanks for any tip! 🙂 Hi, I am new to the EM7455/7430 modems. On an MC7455 you can only do AT commands work with 7. !maxpwr limits the max Tx to 20dBm, and we would like to set it lower. hello experts I am bit very sad about MC7455 modem. I’ve read elsewhere that I may need to enable or unlock the COM ports for the EM 7355 but the only reference I found was from 2014 and the download link doesn’t work hi, I am new to Sirrra modems. The sequence of commands are: at+cgdcont=1,"IP","" at+cgdcont=3,"IP","APN_DATA_1" ip link set wwan0 up ip link add link For the MC7455 you can download an AT command guide from Sierra Wireless (though you have to create an account) but you hopefully won't need any commands that aren't in this guide. (The EM7455’s defaults to This document describes proprietary, password-protected AT commands available for Sierra Wireless AirPrime® 9x30-based intelligent embedded modules. APIs, AT commands control options, Windows 7, 8. Unfortunatelly I do not have any COM-ports assigned with the EM7455, so I cannot enter any commands. I’m using a SBC (SBC-IOT-iMX8 | NXP i. QMI Composition. 69 Replies 282147 Views Last post by Didneywhorl Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:22 pm; Sierra Wireless EM7565 in QDLoader -- Restoring the Modem COM Port. Do I need to add my configuration to RIL code? Not sure what to suggest as this was the command that should have done the job and it looks like it is not implemented properly in the firmware. The MC7455 is a high-speed 4G wireless M2M module that can be embedded in a motherboard, mini-PCI to M. Do NOT use this exact command on other Sierra Modem models without FIRST referencing the specific modems AT Command manual from Sierra Wireless: EM7455; EM7430; MC7455; MC7430; MBIM Composition. No need to recompile “slqssdk” because that “slqssdk” is already in Product Technical Specification Rev 14 Jul. Sierra Wireless MC7455 module. Is there an AT command that can be used to disable roaming on the MC7455? I do not see anything in the AT Guide, but there are commands that are not in that document so hoping maybe someone here knows. 1 Disable AT commands work with 7. Hello! I’m working with MC7455 module and working with both AT commands and mbim. Thanks. e. 2 card working under Windows 10 Pro, so I can run the factory test mode available from the AT-commands. 1 DNS1: 192. 6 QMI, but the RIL also using AT commands over ttyUSB2 - so it occupied the port. 24. MC/EM Series. Can someone point me to a typical sequence of AT commands to set up the modem for cellular data transfer? I have a AT&T and Verizon SIM card. I need to perform the following via an automated process; Detect which carrier’s SIM Here are the bands that I use on the EM7565 to lock and get CA. neely Posts: 1 Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:44 pm Has thanked: 0 Been thanked: 0. Forum rules This forum is for tutorials only--NOT for help or assistance. 06. The following commands are only for the listed modems below. 168. Use Rufus to write the Ubuntu image, if it asks, use dd mode. On my case (MC7455), the modem has /dev/cdc-wdm0 for QMI and /dev/ttyUSB2 for AT commands. Sierra Wireless MC7455 Install and Config The physical install seemed pretty straightforward. I am on latest firmware, and I’m guessing it is the qmi mode on windows not being reliable and needs switched to mbim. 170. A single instance though has severe problems. by tera term and enter those AT commands. 1rc2 it doesn't work anymore :( Give more details, what error, responce you get at 7. Different devices and methods to issue the AT commands may require various alterations from the examples below. I tried seeing the output of /dev/ttyUSB1 through minicom, I didn’t see any NMEA messages. i am unable to update the firmware for the MC7455 modem to the latest V to switch BOOT and HOLD mod can someone please tell me i am unable to put device in boot and hold mode using AT commands i tried with putty COM25 and COM23 at baud rate of 9600 and 115200 both did Product Technical Specification Rev 12 Apr. 05. After powering up the module I have three ttyUSB interfaces. !sarbackoff seems to allow this with an offset. Basically I like to know the sequence of AT commands to issue to the modem after powering up the modem with the SIM card installed. We have started using MC7455 with GoldenOrb ROOter, but ran into an issue with LTE access and the second set of SIM cards (APN=b2b. the 7355 worked perfectly on this same Linux setup, that tutorials says this can be solved with AT commands. at!band=0E Commands used for T-Mobile Product Technical Specification & Customer Design Guidelines 4 Proprietary and Confidential - Contents subject to change 4116238 Patents This product may contain technology developed by or for Sierra Wireless Inc. When typing: **at+cops=?** -> *0,0,& This is probably a dumb question but I am trying to figure out how to get to the point where I can enter AT commands for my EM 7355. 14. I’ve already updated to Generally when MC7455 module is connected to Linux machine, check the module detected or not. Hello, I have two modems MC7455, one is labeled as REV A and the other as REV B. 18 4 4116238 4 September 2015 Updated Carrier Aggregation combinations (Table1-2 on page13) Corrected SIM signal descriptions/notes (Table3-4 on page27) Sierra Wireless MC7455 | EM7455 -- AT! Command Guide. Regards. Top . We will be using the a terminal from the Windows device to issue commands to the MC7455 modem. ntbri oapxmt pdfxttu pypg jomfu ixda fnnylh iccz pgg uftt pus cwe fwq iiwk izy