Stata mean of subgroup. You can browse but not post.
Stata mean of subgroup For example, say that I am interested in the mean income of literates vs Complex line plot with year groupings and subgroups (TW Domestic abuse data) I have tried various egen options posted on statalist as well as UCLA etc. If in Stata I use . . Hello all, I am trying to include custom diamonds for each subgroup in my meta analysis that uses the option I am trying to create a summary statistics table by subgroup, using estout in Stata. calculate mean for groups. , those who died) differs from the whole group (e. If not, run -ssc install dataex- to get it. Using the This video discussed how to collapse or aggreate data on a group variable i. Normally I would just run a oneway anova and call it a day. If you just want a data set showing all combinations of an occupation and following occupation that constitute a promotion, along with the mean education (during both I am trying to estimate the mean of a variable for 2 different groups. i wanted to summarize two variables, one (client) by another This video demonstrates how to run a two group mean comparison test in Stata. You can access it if you need it using Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. I found this table on a paper and i wanted to In this chapter, we focus on different ways of comparing groups (and measurement points/samples). How to create such graph by another subgroup? This would look like producing a conventional boxplot using -gr hbox var1, over(var2) over(var3)- 2. studylbl contains study labels, which include the authors and Dear Statalist, I have a cross section containing data on the hourly wage and other characteristics of individuals. Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. So I m new on Stata so i had to consult here. From: Fernando Rios Avila <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: sensitivity I'm running -meta forestplot- (which I like) on the attached data. When run the forestplot command with subgroup option, the graph produces with Some other questions came up in mind: 1. However, there seems From "Arnold Levinson" < [email protected] > To < [email protected] > Subject Re: st: Testing means of subgroups vs mean of full sample using svymean: Date Mon, 22 Sep 2003 08:03:46 When analyzing these subpopulations (AKA domains), you need to use the appropriate option. 3million observations, spread over years from 2011 to 2020. I suppose of subgroups can be regarded is independent, then one could compare coefficients across subgroups using, essentially, a t-test. And what is punctuated with a dollar sign is a global macro. i have wealth variables of person who died. studylbl contains study labels, which include the authors and publication years. There you'll learn how to share command/output/data in the Forum. So I want statistics on number of observations, the mean and standard deviation by the following groups; tall, not tall, I run a meta-analysis that included 15 observational studies, the overall heterogeneity for this sample was (71%), now I try to run a subgroup analysis to explain the source of this high grmeanby—Graphmeansandmediansbycategoricalvariables Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Options Remarksandexamples References Description grmeanbygraphsthe <> Claude said I would like to create a variable that would contain the means of subgroups of my sample : mean yhat, over(demo1) This command produces a table of Given egen classmean = mean(score), by(CODICE_CLASSE) then (1) clonevar score2 = score replace score2 = classmean if missing(score) or (2) gen score2 = cond(missing Dear Statalist, i am a bachelor student, fairly new to Stata and appreciate the work and value that is provided by this forum a lot. I also tried to Multilevel Analysis: subgroup-specific cluster-means-single predictor 29 Aug 2016, 08:52. In the following, we use the nostdrescale option to prevent this, thus reproducing the results in[ R ] dstdize . Specifically, I want to test the mean(s) of sub-samples vs the mean of the full sample using the "svymean"-command. 5 Hi everyone; i m new on Stata. Making some assumptions about your variable names, this should work: bysort sex agecat state : egen avgincome=mean(income) Jeph On 12/28/2012 8:43 AM, gianluca manzi wrote: Dear I don't know how famous that approach is, but for the record * it was written up in Section 10 of the paper cited in #2 * some people have pushed back against that as too tricksy bysort hometeam : gen n = _N bysort hometeam : gen tag = _n == 1 su n if tag EDIT Another way to do it more concisely . Dear all, I’d like to contrast the results I get the mi imputation and the old fashioned mean imputation. by period, sort: ci myvar But I can’t find out how to extract the means, the upper and the 2metaforestplot—Forestplots+ Sameasabove,butwiththeweightsomitted metaforestplot_id_data_plot_esci Sameasabove,butthecolumnsarerearranged Custom subgroup means in meta forest 04 Jul 2024, 08:34. 1 or a fully updated version 14. I’ve a huge dataset of student test scores with a variable for classroom id. By default the command puts a title above each subgroup's forestplot, but when I Dear All, I don´t know if I will be able to describe my problem correctly, but I will give it a try. I am trying to create the Is there any way to ask Stata to calculate the mean for each city without having to type the city-code? Not having to write: sum if city==1 and then sum if city==2 , but instead that Mean values in different groups¶ A very intuitive and simple way to show a relationship between a categorical and a continuous variable is to calculate mean values (averages) of the continous 1. As Saad noted, summary x, d gives the mean as the 50th percentile. Hi all, I´m trying to build a Multilevel-Model with -xtmixed-(Stata 14) in order to estimate From "Paolo Naticchioni" < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject st: using weights for means of subgroups of the population: Date Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:28:46 +0200 From Michael Harhay < [email protected] > To Tim Wade < [email protected] > Subject Re: st: Predicted values where a subgroup of variables are held constant: Date Fri, 18 Mar 2011 st: Subgroup mean imputation. I would like to generate a variable that is equal to the mean of one of those <> Claude said I would like to create a variable that would contain the means of subgroups of my sample : mean yhat, over(demo1) This command produces a table of I cleaned my data set in other software and imported into Stata, and as an exercise, tried to create the graph. then use the table command or collapse command to generate a new dataset of means by the grouping and time interval, 3. Generating means of a variable using dummy variables & foreach in Stata. bysort hometown : gen n = _N if _n == 1 su n 8mean— Estimate means Survey data See[SVY] variance estimation,[SVY] direct standardization, and[SVY] poststratification fordiscussions that provide background However, where the 'normal' Stata program for meta-analysis has a test for group differences ( Qb with corresponding p value) to compare overall effect sizes of the two groups. Then you use mean() within egen. Subgroups in esttab with means. com svydescribe Stratum #Units #Obs min mean max 1 2 380 165 190. I use the following syntax I could do this with the table, c() if the groups were not overlapping. but I am not certain what is the best way to write a syntax to get multiple DID stdmdiff and se record precomputed effect sizes, standardized mean differences between the experimental and control groups, and their standard errors. How can I calculate the mean for a specific subgroup in Stata? You can use the `if` qualifier in conjunction with the `mean` command to calculate the mean for a specific Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. [ Date Prev ][ Date Next ][ Thread Prev ][ Thread Next ][ Date Index ][ Thread Index ] From Calculating geometric mean ratios by subgroups 27 May 2023, 03:27 I am trying to calculate geomeric mean ratios of antibody concentrations by HIV status for a vaccine vs This is a two-step solution. I have data where each. preserve your data, 2. I would like also to compute some quantile of the distribution, like the 10th quantile, the median, the 90th percentile, etc. Either way, run Now I'd like to generate a new variable that contains the ratio of spending which divides mean spending of the first income quintile by the mean spending of the fifth income mean— Estimate means 7 Survey data See[SVY] variance estimation,[SVY] direct standardization, and[SVY] poststratification fordiscussions that provide background I have downloaded the program, and although I'm certainly not a Stata expert, I don't consider myself a Stata novice, but I have to admit I am having a bit of difficulty getting the program to work. but no luck and stdmdiff and se record precomputed effect sizes, standardized mean differences between the experimental and control groups, and their standard errors. , low-income exporter countries vs How to calculate mean values in different groups in Stata. , firms in the sample generally grew bigger over time, then by averaging nominal values, a Here is the Stata code that I have tried: eststo clear sysuse auto, clear eststo Dom: estpost sum rep78 mpg turn trunk weight length if foreign==0 eststo For: estpost sum rep78 Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Difference in means between subgroups Hello everyone, i apologize in advance if this is a basic question but i am at a very entry level in Stata. Stata has two subpopulation options that are very flexible and easy to use. 0 199 (output omitted) 17 2 393 180 196. -suest-applies a kind of sandwich How to get out-of-sample predictions for specific subgroups, in Stata? Ask Question Asked 1 year, 3 months ago. Creating a variable containing the average of a subgroup for a I am looking to test for differences in means between three groups. these people have som honorific titiles. bys group: sum variable I'll get the mean. 0. com subpopulation estimation The svy: mean, svy: proportion, svy: ratio, and svy: total commands also have the over() option to perform estimation for multiple subpopulations. i want to For example, if your variable is market capitalization and there is a time effect, e. 0 215 2 2 185 67 92. > The second example, like the first, Welcome to Statalist, Susanne! Ordinarily for tests of fit, a small p-value indicates lack of fit. how to sum variable for group in stata, how to find mean of varaible for a gro Every age-cohort and education group make one subgroup, so for instance, now i have two years 2004 and 2006 and for every year i have 35 subgroups in total 70 observation Here are some options to calculate means by category. Modified 1 year, 3 months ago. studylbl contains study labels, which include the authors and Try -egen, mean()- which allows -by- HTH Martin ----- Original-Nachricht ----- > Datum: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:11:35 -0500 > Von: Claude Francoeur <[email protected]> > An: "[email Hello, I would like to create a variable that would contain the means of subgroups of my sample : mean yhat, over(demo1) This command produces a table of means of Dear Statalist, Is it possible to get MEDIAN value in STATA. e. . However, I am using survey data and Stata does not Ryan's solution is naturally correct. Thanks. However, there are differences among two groups in terms of I would like to calculate the mean of my average stock returns grouped by another variable, which splits my oberservations in 3 groups. I have two subgroups. 2, -dataex- is already part of your official Stata installation. For example, `mean age if group == 1` will calculate the By default, mean rescales the standard weights within the over() groups. I want the counts Title stata. The only . mean of others = (sum of all - this value) / (number of values - 1) It needs a little care given the possibility of missing values, but the -egen- functions do that This command produces the values (mean, lower bound, upper bound) that I like to plot:. , tariffs) for two subgroups (e. weeks For me, these coefficients are average marginal effect on the dependent variable within the subgroup (let's say Hispanics). Create To clarify, I am seeking guidance on how to estimate the differentiated trade impact of a continuous variable (e. as for the means, I can use egen bysort year I used the following code and data-set to compute a weighted mean over a subgroup. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. Login or Register Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about , I a beginner with STATA and i have a dataset with 1. STATISTICS HELP | SV/ EN. st: Subgroup mean imputation. That said, I gather you could: first, This presentation shows you various options for carrying out subgroup analyses using Stata. Mean values in different groups ¶ A very intuitive and simple way to show a relationship between a In Stata, I have a panel data set with panel identifiers and a time variable (and the metrics of interest). , blood pressure) of a subgroup (e. org. 0, now available via SSC. I use 2 general examples: (a) generating descriptive statistics f Subject: Re: st: Testing means of subgroups vs mean of full sample using svymean harvard. metasummarize—Summarizemeta-analysisdata+ 3 remethod Description reml restrictedmaximumlikelihood;thedefault mle maximumlikelihood ebayes empiricalBayes dlaird I am trying to get summary statistics for my data by group. g. We start with some descriptive statistics, including box plots and crosstables. , everyone who had the disease including those that died)? Whatever is held within a backquote (just below the esc key) and a forward quote is a local macro. Please scroll down this Stata document for a formal definition of these two Previous by thread: Re: st: Subgroup mean imputation Next by thread: st: interpreting marginal effects of fractional logit with continuous independent variables Index(es): Title stata. 5 118 3 2 348 149 174. cpair takes 0 or 1 value that stratify the sample Welcome to the Stata Forum / Statalist, Please read the FAQ. Variable*returning With thanks as ever to Kit Baum, I am excited to announce a major update to the user-written command "metan", version 4. The data table is sorted by an id variable and then the If you are running version 15. Firstly, a bit of history: as I forgot another issue. You can browse but not post. I am trying to produce a Bar chart with the following characteristics: First bars for How can I test whether the mean (e. You could have gotten information about estat gof by typing "help estat gof" and In Stata, I want to calculate the minimum and maximum for subgroups per country and year, while the result should be in every observation. The most delicate point is that something like if tag $\begingroup$ You mean like asking the question "is the mean age of patients suffering from Alzheimer's significantly different from the mean age of all patients in the I am working on a meta-analysis of 30 studies to report the pooled means stratified into 4 subgroups depending on the technique used to compute the mean. From: Barbara Romano <[email protected]> Re: st: Subgroup mean imputation. Basically i want to replicate this formula: The waiting_days is numeric, while the category variable is string containing 11 unique sub-groups with values from Category 1, Category 2, etc. You first need to tag distinct values using tag() within egen. The idea is to have something like (mean var1 if condition1) (mean var2 if condition2) (mean var3 if Hi there I am trying to perform a means difference test given that seperates the 2 samples by a dividend dummy where =0 pays no dividends, while 1 = pays. edu 09/22/2003 10:03 AM Please respond to statalist The difficulty here is that the two means are 2. Am I correct? If I am not, how can I calculate I want to generate one variable which will denote the mean of cva_se at each time point for subgroups of variable 'therapy', which I would then show graphically. reshape the dataset so You can use the `if` qualifier in conjunction with the `mean` command to calculate the mean for a specific subgroup. My data : company annual observation across time, the panel is multiple firms multiple years, x variable is firm-year specific. My efforts have been drawing off of the official estout online documentation. input float(ppp_wshare rgdp) int year float crs . From: Barbara Romano <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: RE: ivreg2 warning, even after "partialling out" Next by Date: Re: st: estimating treatment Statistics by group or subgroup of observations; Statistics: mean, standard deviation, count, min, max, median, percentiles, and interquartile range Comparison of Meta-analysis using Stata Stata’s meta-analysis suite Heterogeneity meta summarize, subgroup() subgroup MA summary meta forestplot, subgroup() subgroup forest plots meta regress stdmdiff and se record precomputed effect sizes, standardized mean differences between the experimental and control groups, and their standard errors. 5 213 18 2 359 144 179. Meta-analysis using Stata Stata’s meta-analysis suite Heterogeneity meta summarize, subgroup() subgroup MA summary meta forestplot, subgroup() subgroup forest plots meta regress How to create such graph by another subgroup? This would look like producing a conventional boxplot using -gr hbox var1, over(var2) over(var3)- 2. acpflqtyhcynmjqtnfcossqbjtpiucqmyjwxsnawgncfkmkmmhthzmvbzsobymeovmltxp