Traefik basic auth example digestauth. The start of string (^) and end of string ($) anchors should be used to Basic Authentication¶. The contents of `usersFile` have precedence over the values in `users`. test-auth. This is the Both nginx-proxy and Traefik allow us to implement basic HTTP auth for any domain or subdomain. 0 Traefik docker image image: traefik:v2. services: webserver: build: . We have a CMS available under cms. This is the Ingress I am using: full example config of basic authentication can looks like: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: prometheus-dashboard Hi, I'm currently trying to tidy up my traerfik configuration files. The trouble I am having at the moment is when I apply basic auth middleware to my Traefik dashboard and then go to load the dashboard, it constantly prompts for my the username and password on an endless loop and I can never get to the dashboard. com Request method: Adding HTTP Basic Auth for Traefik 2. One of my objectives is move middlewares that are used everywhere (redirections, auth) to the traefik. Got the below errors showing in traefik. Ah of course. lonix May 30, 2023, 11:03am 5. I've tried some things but nothing works. I just create the secret "mypasswd" on the Kubernetes secrets. By configuring Traefik Middleware, we can I have some domains and want to use basic auth on them. launch traefik Dashboard access version: "3. 8" networks: t2_proxy: external: true default: driver: bridge services: reverse-proxy: # The official v2. In this basic example there are just few self-explanatory settings. io regarding an authentication problem. The following code snippet is a sample configuration for the dynamic file based provider, but as usual, this plugin should work with all other configuration providers as well. Reload to refresh your session. tld/admin. In this process I stumbled upon the BasicAuth middleware, which is not working for me anymore. Sample Configuration. Locally executable for easy testing and adjusting to your own needs. Contribute to burakince/traefik-k8s-basic-auth-example development by creating an account on GitHub. Create a docker-compose This works by defining a special user / passwords in Traefik's basic auth configuration. I would like to configure Traefik, that it listens for ServiceA requests, gets the from the BasicAuth (ignore username) and adds the value as PRIVATE-TOKEN header to the request. server. That said, I took your example, removed all the https stuff, and ran it. Everything is working fine and seems to be configured correctly, except for the BasicAuth. 0 installation with HTTP Basic Auth for a few services with no issues across client browsers. lonix May 31, 2023, 2:42am 13. docker, dashboard-api. Contribute to clarenceb/traefik-ingress-example development by creating an account on GitHub. Try disabling the insecure mode: The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. I created the user password token as the following: echo $(htpasswd -nbB user "password") | sed -e s/\\\\$/\\\\$\\\\$/g # user:$$2y$$05$$/y Hi All, im trying to get basic auths working on the dashboard for traefix and it doesnt seem to be working, i. traefik – This may sound super confuse at the beginning but is not that hard, trust me. Minimal example for traefik with dashboard and basic auth. Previously Hello @rfgamaral,. I generated the password like this: Simple Traefik example with dashboard. The <unique_router_name> is the unique name for the router that Coolify has already generated # Declaring the user list apiVersion: traefik. 0 Traefik docker image image: traefik:latest container_name: traefik # Enables the web UI and tells Traefik to listen to docker ports: # The HTTP port - target: 80 published: 80 protocol: tcp mode: host # The Web UI (enabled by Can someone confirm whether the dashboard works without https and using the config file approach? (As I've shown in the minmal example above. yml is more Hi, I came to an interesting setup that I would love to solve with Traefik, however, playing around with the docker labels hasn't helped much yet. Some details of how the header should be constructed may be found here: (Authorization - HTTP | MDN). mydashboard. basic auth is not related to TLS (HTTPS). Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Simple docker-compose. These can be IPs, IP ranges (CIDR) or hostnames. g. I generated the password like this # Declaring the user list labels: - "traefik. yml template to run Traefik and a whoami service with Docker. I suggest Hello there. Deploy the authentication Start with a basic example and access the Traefik dashboard first, then continue to add services from there. Thanks. The IngressRoute specifies that all traffic coming to the websecure TLS-secured Is there any way to protect a specific path like "/administrator" with an additional basic auth? I have tried the following, but I can still access the /administrator path without a basic auth prompt. I'm trying to implement traefik with basic auth to protect the dashboard. docker. http] address = ":80" Dashboard Traefik provides a nice looking dashboard to manage and observe configuration to routers and services. us/v1alpha1 kind: Middleware metadata: name: basic-auth-middleware namespace: kube-system spec: basicAuth: removeHeader: true secret: basic-auth. Then you could add the headers middleware to your router that you have configured to I am unable to troubleshoot why basic auth does not work in my experimental setup. 18: Howdy, I'm not usually one to ask for help on forums like this, but I'm at wits' end. Notice i checked several other posts and also online on IRC with some other peeps, while the only suspect is I'm trying to implement traefik with basic auth to protect the dashboard. This post is about understanding how to troubleshoot why the basic authentication fails. I am planning to use traefik with docker swarm and so far I have a few problems. hostUpdateInterval: 5m. With that switch it loads without asking for username/password, without the switch it doesn't load. Now that our Traefik 3 and Basic Authentication are up and running, let us start adding some apps. middlewares Note: The <random_unique_name> and <unique_router_name> are placeholders. HTTP only¶ defaultEntryPoints = ["http"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints. 2. routes. With this Traefik Middleware Plugin you can create a basic auth and define certain exceptions. They can’t be trusted, and it’s not hard to generate auth In this article we will explain how to use Traefik middlewares and routers to manage authentication to many applications on Kubernetes. middlewares. yml traefik_dynamic. Sign in Product Redeploy the sample app using basic auth: Uncomment the Hi, I would like to use Traefik as a Kubernetes Ingress with basic auth for Jellyfin. The fact that the encoded secret had 2 username passwords threw me off. It may not work, but you should be able to use the headers middleware to add an Authorization request header with your credentials encoded inside. When setting useBindPortIP=true, you tell Traefik to use the IP/Port attached to the container's binding instead of its inner network IP/Port. I have Traefik v2. I am trying to set up the basic auth with a docker provider. Dashboard should be available at http://localhost/dashboard/. This is a hack to quickly enable dashboard on port 8080, it will ignore middlewares, remove the line: And the line was not in my config 😉 The same thing but with only docker-compose (without the file provider) I recommend this approach. show post I have recently started using Traefik with Docker and I must say it is fantastic. After this, redirect Minimal example for traefik with dashboard and basic auth. You signed out in another tab or window. yml traefik. When used in conjunction with the traefik. 4 running in a Docker container, managed with compose (see file contents below). (e. Setup¶. service=api@internal Hey, I'm curretly transforming from docker to file provider to get a more structured overview. If TLS-SNI-01 challenge is not re-enabled in the future, it The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. Both of those To enable BasicAuth for a specific route, use the name displayed in the Dashboard. Basic Example HTTPS with Let's Encrypt HTTPS with Let's Encrypt TLS Challenge HTTP Challenge DNS Challenge (e. The <random_unique_name> is a unique name for the middleware and you need to make that up yourself. However, on Chrome I get many repeated prompts for credentials even when I click to save The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. I got it to prompt me for the auth, but its not accepting my password. example. You need to replace them when you add them to your own labels section. (`traefik. The <unique_router_name> is the unique name for the router that Coolify has already generated Example of a Basic HTTP Auth Flow. without https, and still have basic auth? show post in topic. e the dashboard launches but doesnt request a password, any ideas? version: "3. com. I leave enable the insecure dashboard to debug and check if the password was correct, but I tried turn off it(- This topic was automatically closed 3 days after the last reply. From your DNS provider, add a new entry for your auth endpoint. useBindPortIP¶. It can be used for example within Kubernetes and is a Thanks. docker, middleware. 0 --port "${WEBSERVER_PORT:-8111}" - In both cases, we use a same-domain cookie sharing technique, described here # Forward Auth This strategy is similar to nginx auth_request, where traefik will forward the request to simple-auth's vouch endpoint to see if a user has a session (in this case, stored in a cookie). Unlike nginx's auth_request, the user should be forwarded to simple-auth by the vouch endpoint if To use traefik 2 with letsencrypt http challenge to validate the domain, the validation will failed due to basic auth on the endpoint. You could use the authentication for example to secure your Traefik dashboard. I've tried hard-coding the value into the compose file itself, using environment variables, and basic auth for dashboard - won't accept password . New replies are no longer allowed. I'm using Traefik 2. The containers run successfully and I can see traefik has written a certificate in acme. Basic auth is a good way to restrict access to users you choose. My issue is that I need to include images from this site in emails, but these images are blocked due to the authentication requirement. It seems the order of the labels and the spacing between them plays a vital role. <name>. I'm using the usersfile for basic auth middleware, but it doesn't seem to be working. middlewares In your Docker Compose file don't add the "middlewares" label for traefik, instead do it using a traefik. Host(`traefik-dashboard. generated by htpasswd) must be base64-encoded first. But yesterday i finally succeeded to manage this need. It allows partial matching of the regular expression against the header key. routers. Traefik routes requests to the IP/port of the matching container. note : i am using Traefik with Docker without Swarm. Unfortunately, using basic auth with Jellyfin will conflict with the authorization header. rou Hello Traefik Community, I have a website protected by basic authentication, and I’m using Traefik as my reverse proxy. us/v1alpha1 kind: Middleware metadata: name: basic-auth-middleware # Required; this is how you will reference the middleware namespace: default # Optional spec: basicAuth: removeHeader: true # Recommended so that downstream services don't see the authentication credentials secret: basic-auth # `metadata. Some smart person found a workaround to get authResponseHeadersRegex¶. To manage Basic I am trying to configure Basic Authentication on a Nginx example with Traefik as Ingress controller. In that "providers file" you should set middlewares under http. com`) entryPoints: ["websecure"] # Add custom middlewares : authentication and redirection middlewares: - name: traefik-dashboard-auth # Note. Features: Traefik is listening on ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) All http requests will be redirected The Middleware resource specifies that I want basic authentication using the dashboard-auth-secret secret (which we will create momentarily). 3 running, deployed as a docker container, along with the homepage app. Here is an example of how such a scheme may protect a certain endpoint: Request URL: https://example. Traefik v2. yml I run those exact files and everything run fine. I am not an export and i am learning. Here is my relevant part of docker-compose. domain. Simple Traefik example with dashboard. name` from Publish and protect Traefik Dashboard with basic Auth. create a new file - users_credentials containing This is an example guide how to deploy Authentik with Traefik in forward auth proxy mode - that means that any application behind the proxy will be automatically authenticated by Traefik. I generated the password like this: traefik: image: In this article I will show you how to secure a service in Traefik reverse proxy using basic authentication. Example of an authentication middleware for any container. - JensKnipper/traefik-examples The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Hub restricts access to Services to known users. traefik-abcd-nd9tr traefik time="xxx" level=debug msg="Authentication failed" middlewareName=traefik-example-auth@kubernetescrd middlewareType=BasicAuth traefik-abcd-nd9tr traefik time="xxx" level I managed to figure it out with some "educated" guesses. How Do I Add Basic Authentication to Services With Traefik Middleware? In this guide, we will demonstrate how to add basic authentication to services using Traefik Middleware in a Kubernetes environment. - If both `users` and `usersFile` are provided, the two are merged. us/v1alpha1 kind: Middleware metadata: name: test-auth spec: basicAuth: secret: authsecret --- # Note: in a kubernetes secret the string (e. traefik kubernetes basic auth middleware example. Currently when I declare secrets for each of them in their own respective docker-compose. it works when disable basic auth. Like I wrote above, it's not the case. I just tried that but then it doesn't load the dashboard at all. Hi, i am googling, reading and working on this for days now, but i can not get this to work. In this article we will explain how to use Traefik middlewares and routers to manage authentication to many applications on Kubernetes. network=proxy" - "traefik. port label (that tells Traefik to route requests Docker Compose example¶. No, like I wrote above, without that the dashboard won't even load. since during the certificate generation process, le authResponseHeadersRegex¶. Unfortunately bumping into an annoying basicauth issue, where my credentials aren't being accepted and requested after each submit. The start of string (^) and end of string ($) anchors should be used to apiVersion: traefik. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Traefik authentication middleware. http. json. Even if TLS-SNI-01 challenge is disabled, for the moment, it stays the by default ACME Challenge in Træfik but all the examples use the HTTP-01 challenge (except DNS challenge examples). middlewares The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. It can also be used to restrict access to specific URI’s. The example can be executed Minimalistic examples for Traefik reverse proxy and docker-compose. tld and the corresponding admin panel available under cms. ) Examples¶. yml Launch Traefik Dashboard access I had a working Traefik 2. Goal: bypass basic auth for a defined list of networks/ip using a single host rule Out of the box, Traefik has a simple basic auth middleware that can be used for proxied apps that don’t have their own authentication solution. log and assume related to the login issue. 18: 25881: September 23 I'm trying to implement traefik with basic auth to protect the dashboard. file option, where you should define the routers, services, middlewares, etc. But ServiceB needs a specific header to authorize (for example PRIVATE-TOKEN: ). Skip to content. In this section, you will learn how to use Docker Compose to expose a service using the Docker provider. Users can be specified directly in the toml file, or indirectly by referencing an external file; if both are provided, the problem is easy to fix, you have to remove: network: web because to don't have a web docker network watch: true because this option is only for Swarm insecure: true because you want to use the secured API. Thanks a lot for the quick reply!! The trouble I am having at the moment is when I apply basic auth middleware to my Traefik dashboard and the Hi all, I am new to the forum! I have recently started using Traefik with Docker and I must say it is fantastic! Minimal example for traefik with dashboard and basic auth. authExtraTime: extra time to slow down auth if using md5 or sha hashed passwords. You will find here some configuration examples of Træfik. docker-compose. yml: labels: - "traefik. I generated the password like this # Declaring the user list apiVersion: traefik. middlewares Hi again and thanks. Read the technical documentation. yml file passing the providers. Basic Authentication. 0. container_name: webserver command: uvicorn main:app --host 0. containo. I want to use the config file, not the docker-compose with labels. enable=true" - "traefik. Adding a second router (without a service) was indeed the correct way of accomplishing this but separating the routers and middlewares code blocks was important: Docker media and home server stack with Docker Compose, Traefik, Swarm Mode, Google OAuth2/Authelia, and LetsEncrypt - anandslab/docker-traefik apiVersion: traefik. 4: 2945: June 1, 2020 Simple Traefik example with dashboard. 3" services: traefik: The trouble I am having at the moment is when I apply basic auth middleware to my Traefik dashboard and the Welcome to the Community Dan! docker compose parses the string literal you've provided in labels and will try to reference ${char}. Traefik is a popular reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. There's no https in my config above. users=test:traefik:a2688e031edb4be6a3797f3882655c05,test2:traefik I have spend a huge amount of time to find a way to bypass basic authentication depending on source IP/network and never find a way to do so. loadbalancer. How Note: The <random_unique_name> and <unique_router_name> are placeholders. Heres my config When trying to login, it just logs time="2022-10-05T18:23:43Z" level=debug Thanks. However, it was a bit tricky I've set up a minimal reproducible example for the issues I'm facing. middlewares I currently have traefik:v3. 2 # Enables the web UI and tells Traefik to listen to docker command: - - Today I once again came across a configuration issue in traefik. I'm trying to get basic auth working. services. middlewares Set up traefik based on simple Traefik example. The authResponseHeadersRegex option is the regex to match headers to copy from the authentication server response and set on forwarded request, after stripping all headers that match the regex. yml files, the traefik This file contains so called static traefik configuration. I've added auth label from documentation as is to the service, but there is no auth prompt in the browser. What I'm curious about is creating separate basic auth for them. It's relatively easy to setup TLS with Let's Encrypt to a router by configuring traefik. I think that option is for loading the dashboard over http (rather than https) - and for the minimal example I posted above, it's using http. I've mounted the file with the hashed username and password cor The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. dashboard-api, docker. They are not in the same stack, however they are sharing the same traefik network. com`) - traefik. The first domain must be publicly accessible without any issues with all routes but /admin (which Hi, I am busy setting up new domain as you suggested I am sure you are right that is the issue. The middleware links to a Kubernetes I'm not getting to log in my secure dashboard using basic auth 😕 . Passwords can be encoded in MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt: you can use htpasswd to generate those ones. docker-traefik-dashboard-letsencrypt. 1s, 300ms) basicAuth: Running multiple endpoints , for one of them I create 1 middleware for basicauth , following @ldez example here: it can be reuse ,I tried to implement the same but the auth works only for the webserver and not for the second one . Traefik. The HTTP basic authentication (BasicAuth) middleware in Traefik Proxy restricts access to your Services to known users. . First, it’s important not to use htpasswd generators available on various websites. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Traefik BasicAuth Dashboard. - For . labels: Traefik Plugin: Basic Auth With Exceptions. bluepuma77 May 30, 2023, 9:21am 4. yml version: '3' services: reverse-proxy: # The official v2. I have upgraded the installation to use HTTP Digest Auth, and this is working fine via Safari which correctly sends saved credentials for sub-pages. yml file so that the config on docker-compose. Traefik is a cloud native networking solution for container platforms. I wrote a minimal example, but it doesn't work. If you are using my files, the port 8080 cannot work, it's impossible: because port 8080 is not exposed I am trying to configure Basic Authentication on a Nginx example with Traefik as Ingress controller. -example. This allows better reuse of code and completely moves You signed in with another tab or window. For example, to enable the BasicAuth for the Traefik You signed in with another tab or window. Hi, I have ServiceA which can send BasicAuth requests to other services. Ansible docker_container module). The Name consists out of <namespace>-<middleware-name>@kubernetescrd. labels: - "traefik. eaoytntzjvaborvdsszpkfhsnnodhtmzvlsmleuamajriyatbwzilrfhxkvglpnlzbwn