Usapl records state. 2021-10-10, USA-DE Download as CSV.
Usapl records state Below you’ll find the state powerlifting records for Florida in all major federations. 2025-01-25, USA-KS Download as CSV. 02: 2: Lifters can set a NJ state record if your USA Powerlifting membership card states that you are registered in NJ. Lori Martin 114 Open 303. Janel Brown 123 Open 336. If you have questions about the Results or do not see a particular meet listed here, please contact the meet director(s) directly. 95: 2: I had a pretty good day at the 2025 USAPL Nevada State Championship yesterday. Sioux Falls, SD 57109. 5: 290: 197. 9: 142. Contact. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Jalen Johnson #1: M: 21~ Raw: 100: 97. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2021 USAPL Michigan State Championships. 5: 297. 01: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2024 USAPL Idaho State Championships. [] Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Oklahoma State Championships. 4: 290: 162. 5: 192. Kauffmann (1927, 1928, 1929) Most Times in Final The official state records for USAPL England. 5: 685: Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight; Arkansas State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR-74: Total push-pull: William Dederich: 352. 2: 317. 23: 2: Massachusetts USAPL State Records can be set in any USAPL, NAPF, IPF sanctioned meet as long as the lifter is registered as member of Massachusetts on their USAPL Card. , lifters from a state outside of the region) are allowed but not eligible for awards. 8: 190: 100: 200: 490: 102. 5: 330: 877. Login Language: Unit: Competitions Type: State: Minnesota State Youth, Teen and High School Championships: MN-2025-08: Minnesota: 02/08/2025: Wyoming State Championships: WY-2025-01: Wyoming: 02/08/2025: Georgia States PRIMETIME: GA-2025-02: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2021 USAPL Pennsylvania State Championships. For fun, take a few minutes to check out the archived state records to see how Wisconsin lifting has progressed and some of the long standing records. 5: 820: 534. I broke 6 Nevada State records, but missed my chance at the National squat record so I still have work to do. 5: State Records were last updated on 3/11/2018 To have your record updated, please email StateChari@usapltennessee. Current South Dakota Records. 88: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2018 USAPL Hawaii State Championship. 62: 2: Below you’ll find the state powerlifting records for Virginia in all major federations. 2022-04-23, USA-TX Download as CSV. 5: 160: 312. A lifter must have been registered with a powerlifting federation in the state of Florida at the time of the meet in order to qualify. 5 kg: Oklahoma State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR: 120+ Bench press single lift: Jake Hailey: 142. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Kasey Pham: M: 19: Raw: 75: 74. Get Involved. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Daniel Howell: M: 28~ Raw: 90: 89: 302. 2018-06-30, USA-HI Download as CSV. All USA Powerlifting results from local to international will A: Any current USA Powerlifting member can set a state record for the state that he/she has listed as their state of residence on their current USA Powerlifting card. The state chair maintains the official state record database. 5: 332. 5: 792. Collegiate Powerlifting. e. With a collective national membership in excess of 20,000 members spread across all 50 states, USA Powerlifting has been America’s choice for drug-free powerlifting since 1980. Email. 5: 80. 5: 172. 4: 302. 80: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Texas State Championships. 2023-11-05, USA-VA Download as CSV. While we do our best to provide accurate data, state registration data is occasionally wrong or incomplete. 8: 280: 177. 2025-01-18, USA-MS Download as CSV. com). Military (Equipped and Raw, Open, Junior, M1a, M1b, M2a, South Carolina State Powerlifting Records All state and America records are kept in the USA Powerlifting data base. State record 83kg USAPL bench press? Nicely done, that’s impressive New York State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a-93: Total push-pull: Keith Nautel: 430 kg: New York State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a-93: Deadlift single lift: Keith Nautel: 260 kg: New York State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a-93: Bench press single lift: Keith Nautel: 170 kg: New York State Equipped Records: M1a-140: {!{wpv-post-title}!} USA Powerlifting offers over 500 events a year hosted by independent meet directors. 2022-05-29, USA-VA Download as CSV. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Aubrey Hogan: M: 25: Raw: 75: 74. USAPL guidance for converting records may be found here. Example, you are a Texas USAPL member, but you lift at either a local or national level USAPL event in Louisiana. Live Stream. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: William Waller: M: 51: Raw: 90: 86. Our volunteers will work as quickly as possible to keep these up to date. 2023-01-21, USA-OK Download as CSV. 9: 285: 210: 305: 800: 504. Equipped – Men and Women; Raw – Men and Women; Special Divisions Information about current Wisconsin State Records can be found on our Current State Records page. Once events are sanctioned through USA Powerlifting, they will be placed on this calendar. For records The Minnesota state chapter of USA Powerlifting oversees contests and maintains records and results under the authority of USA Powerlifting. The records below are from January 16, 2024 and forward. 7/09/13. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Deon Casey: M: 31: Raw: 100: 94. 5: 512. LOCATION: Liberty Barbell. 5: 732. 2024-2025 Meet Results. 5: The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. Lifting in the 93 kg class, and at age 17, Ari broke the state squat record with a 480 lb squat, the deadl Rankings Category Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Florida State Championships. October 6, 2021 wiusapladmin. You may apply for a record in BOTH Raw and Equipped (only if you are entered as Raw). 2023-04-22, USA-PA Download as CSV. When you click on the link it will take you to the records page. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total IPF; 1: Tony Rodriguez #3: F: 26~ Raw: 84: 82. Champions. 31: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Oklahoma State Championships. 23: 2: USAPL PA STATE SINGLE DEADLIFT. Class Age Lift. 78: 2:. Admission: $10 Registration Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us USAPL: 3: Joshua Ficklin: 972. 48: 2: 2025 @usapowerlifting Missouri State Championship and PRIMETIME March 29 at @outputperformance Capped at 120 lifters Divisons: all will be contested •youth •teen •junior •open •master Awards: will be top 3 in each weight class and division AMERICAN RECORDS CAN BE SET AT THIS MEET PRIMETIME Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Virginia State Championships. 5 kg: Colorado State Raw Records: R-O-52: Bench press: Joy Chi: 55 kg: Colorado State Raw Records: R-O-56: Total: Alyssa Marzolf: 360 kg: Colorado State Raw Records: R-O-56: Squat: Alyssa Marzolf: 140 kg Use the navigation below to browse USPA's record index. After he receives the completed online state record claim form, the records will be verified, then updated. Current South Dakota Raw Records. We recommend searching Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2021 USAPL Wyoming State Championships. 2024-11-09, USA-VA Download as CSV. 2022-12-03, USA-FL Download as CSV. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2020 USAPL Idaho State Championships. 2023-01-21, USA-WI Download as CSV. 2022-04-23, USA-OK Download as CSV. 69: 2: 202 5. 2021-11-06, USA-MI Download as CSV. Meets that records may be set at Date Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight; 03/09/2025: Alabama State Raw Records: R-M1-100: Bench press: Marc Augustin: 130 kg: 03/09/2025: Alabama State Raw Records USAPL State Records; USAPL Meet Results; Resources. ), division and weight class. 5: 842. 5: 465. 5: 175: 267. 5: 352. Current State HS Records - Updated 3/16/2025. 5: 175: 317. RECORDS. National Drug Tested Records Non Tested Records State Records: Q: Who keeps and posts state records? A: Individual State Chairs maintain their state records (see individual links for each state on the USA Powerlifting Website under LINKS). 92: 2: Wisconsin state records can be found on the USA Powerlifting results/rankings database. 1: 295: 185: 310: 790: 481. 5: 730: 500. 4: 280: 172. 2024-01-27, USA-KS Download as CSV. If the CURRENT RECORDS Pardon our dust Attention: we are migrating our records to a new system. A: If State/Local, please contact the State Chair in which the meet was held. 5: 100. The mission of USAPL CT is to provide an opportunity for all athletes who meet the criteria for The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. 8: 242. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2024 USAPL Virginia Open State Championships. 85: 2: Message to Minnesota USAPL Lifters - State Records. Cary, NC. 2020-02-08, USA-ID Download as CSV. State Records Archived 12/31/2014. South Dakota High School Powerlifting. Guest lifters (i. 5: 282. 5: 750: 92. There has been some confusion as to what happens with records going forward. 9: 257. Various Records Set at the USAPL Age. 2021-04-24, USA-PA Download as CSV. 08: 2: Information about current Wisconsin State Records can be found on our Current State Records page. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2021 USAPL Oklahoma State Championships. 75: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Virginia Open State Championships. 2023-10-07, USA-WA Download as CSV. 97: 2: State Records – Archive. 2024-03-16, USA-NY Download as CSV. Raw records were set only wearing 2022 WI State Open & Masters Championship October 6, 2021 New Co-Chair in 2021 March 19, 2021 2020 USA Powerlifting WI State Championship Registration November 1, 2019 Below are the links to all Connecticut state records: Connecticut State Raw Records; Connecticut State Equipped Records About Us. Share this: Email; Facebook; Twitter; Like this: Most states require you to weigh-in the day of the contest to be eligible for state records. Justin Cooper: M: 32: Raw: 100: 99. 5: 750: 495. 2022 WI State Open & Masters Championship. 5: 197. 5: Squat: Jesus Palacios: 177. 5 kg: Oklahoma State Equipped Records: M1b-82. High School Powerlifting. From October 2008 until the 2009 Minnesota State Meet this past February, a major project took place that affected the Minnesota USAPL powerlifting records -- allowing them to be examined with fresh sets of eyes, corrected, restored, updated, re Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Washington State Championship. Hawaii State Equipped Records: M1a-90: Total push-pull: William Kahapea: 405 kg: Hawaii State Equipped Records: M1a-90: Deadlift single lift: William Kahapea: 235 kg: Hawaii State Equipped Records: M1a-90: Total: William Kahapea: 645 kg: Hawaii State Equipped Records: M1a-90: Deadlift: William Kahapea: 235 kg: Hawaii State Equipped The USAPL National Governing Board adopted the IPF weight classes to be implemented effective 1/1/2015. Started tracking Single March 2004. USAPL NC State Championship. m. com Real-Time Updates are posted on the USA Powerlifting Website Raw Open Full Power State Records The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. Full Powerlifting . 2: 275: 185: 325: 785: 509. USAPL State Records; USAPL Meet Results; Resources. 5: 523. Q: What are the requirements to set a {!{wpv-post-title}!} NOTE: These are the National Meet Results received from the meet director(s). Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Wilks; 1: Premar Namnama: M: 24~ Raw: 83: 81: 257. 5: 167. Coming Soon. Results. 5: 290: 725: 491. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Jordan McKinley: M: 19~ Raw: 90: 88. A lifter must have been registered with a powerlifting federation in the state of Virginia at the time of the meet in order to qualify. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Ervin Rodriguez-Lopez: M: 19~ Raw: 90: 90: 255: 160: 265: 680: 439. 5: 220: 335: 907. Include specific links and detailed information. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: De'Metre Forney: M: 25~ Raw: 93: 92. Then choose the division and weight class to filter. 5: 185: 457. 5 kg: State records are an amazing milestone to shoot for and achieve. 5: 162. 5 kg: Washington State Raw Records (2015-2021) Kansas State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-JR-66: Squat: Jesus Palacios: 177. 2023-03-18, USA-IN Download as CSV. Oldest Champion 48 — Verne Callison, 1967 Youngest Champion 18 — Les Bolstad, 1926 Youngest Finalist 15 — Joe Nichols, 1931 . Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Kasey Pham: M: 18: Raw: 82. 9: 235: 150: 255: 640: 451. 8: 327. 5: 305: 757. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Robin Ray: F: 45: Raw: 56: 55. 5: 66. 2020-02-23, USA-CO Download as CSV. Meets that records may be set at State records may be set by a registered USA Powerlifting member at any sanctioned USA Powerlifting, NAPF, or IPF meet and judged by certified State, National, or Getting State Records Recognized and Published. Contact Us. 9: 165: 107. 8: 320: 180: 342. 5: 500. 2023 USA Powerlifting SD State Championships (sanction SD-2023-02) March 25, 2023 . You are also eligible to break your state records in an event USAPL event not located in your state. Click on the links below to check out past state records! 2011 WI State Records; 2010 WI State Records; 2009 WI State Records; 2008 WI State Records; 2007 WI State Records; 2006 WI State Records; 2003 WI State Records; 1994 WI State Records (ADFPA) 1992 High School Meet Records; Share this: Email; Facebook; It is the responsibility of the Meet Director to verify that the lifter is in fact a resident of the state of Louisiana and produce proof that the meet was sanctioned. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Jack Bartlett #1: M: 18: Raw: 140: 134. Once on that page you can select the record type (Wisconsin State Record, Wisconsin State Raw Record, etc. USAPL Raw Nationals. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Zachary DiCostanzo: M: 30~ Raw: 75: 73. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: Terry Ahlander: M: 32~ Raw: 93: 92. 9: 155: 107. 1: 277. Registration is now open for the 2022 USA Powerlifting WI Open & Masters Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2020 USAPL Colorado State Championships. Suite 102. 6: 295: 182. State Drug Tested Records Non Tested Records. com. 5 kg: Kansas State Raw Records: R-JR-67. 5: 402. Wisconsin state records can be found on the USA Powerlifting results/rankings database. 2023-11-18, USA-MA Download as CSV. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: Richard Andre: M: 25: Raw: 120: 119. 5: 292. 27109 Independence Ave. USA Powerlifting Record Changes for 2015 The 2014 NGB adopted the IPF weight classes to be implemented 1/1/15. 5: 340: 817. Note: Some links are not active yet – the conversion process is underway. 69: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Wisconsin State Open. Lifter's Corner. Q: What are the requirements to set a We are pleased to announce our new Results/Records and Rankings Database. 2022-02-26, USA-IL Download as CSV. USAPL South Dakota Open (SD-2025-01) Meet Information Website : State Records. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Bryan Rodriguez Gomez: M: 25~ Raw: 82. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total IPF; 1: David Moore #1: M: 34~ Raw: 120: 119. There is a 60-day window following the meet to update the USA USAPL State Records; USAPL Meet Results; Resources. 5: 692. 2021-05-29, USA-OK Download as CSV. I want to join Team Unleashed. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: T. 5: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2024 USAPL New York State Championships. March 15, 2025 - USA Powerlifting Military, Police & Firefighter National Championship | Team Rohr Powerlifting - Registration is OPEN! May 23, 2025 2025 USA Powerlifting Tournament of Power at MomoCon - Day 1 May 24, 2025 2025 USA Powerlifting Tournament of Power at MomoCon - Day 2. 5: 455: Ari had a great day at the NJ State Championships. 5: 2023-02-11: USAPL Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2024 USAPL Colorado State Championship. 5: 305: 785: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2025 USAPL Mississippi State Championship. Equipped – Men and Women; Raw – Men and Women; Special Divisions Colorado State Raw Records: R-M5A-60: Squat: Faith OReilly: 35 kg: Colorado State Raw Records: R-O-52: Deadlift single lift: Joy Chi: 137. 6: 260: 165: 287. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Demetrius Smith #1: M: 23~ Raw: 90: 89. Posted By: Cheryl Anderson Date: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, at 9:46 a. USA Powerlifting Schedule. Raw SC Records Raw records are listed by division and weight class. Retired South Dakota Records. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Michael Simonetti #1: M: 31~ Raw: 110: 109. Jennifer Sulkoski Current State Records; State Records – Archive; Search for: Competitions. 5: 76. May 25, 2025 2025 USA Powerlifting Tournament of Power at MomoCon - The Minnesota state chapter of USA Powerlifting oversees contests and maintains records and results under the authority of USA Powerlifting. 5: 503. You Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Indiana State Championships. Below is the procedure. Click. – All records set at USA Powerlifting meets are automatically identified by the results database – If you Date Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight; 03/09/2025: Alabama State Raw Records: R-M1-100: Bench press: Marc Augustin: 130 kg: 03/09/2025: Alabama State All state and America records are kept in the USA Powerlifting data base. American Records represent the best lifts performed at any USA Powerlifting competition where the appropriate referees are present to judge the lifts. 5: 712. Did you set an American Record at a State or Regional meet? American Records set State Records: Q: Who keeps and posts state records? A: Individual State Chairs maintain their state records (see individual links for each state on the USA Powerlifting Website under LINKS). 5 kg: Arkansas State Raw Records (2015-2021) Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2021 USAPL Delaware State Championships. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: Yvy Llambes: F: 36: Raw: 69: 67. Report a Record Discrepancy. 5: 195: 335: 847. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Caleb Morford: M: 24~ Raw: 82. Records can be set at all USA Powerlifting sanctioned, 3 lift, 2 lift and single lift meets. Kauffmann (1927, 1928, 1929) Most Consecutive Championships Won 3 — Carl F. About Us. 13: 2: Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight; Washington State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O: 120+ Total push-pull: Hudson Lonborg: 442. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: Jeremiah Bayne: M: 30: Raw: 105: 104. As others have said, it makes for a cool and concise talking point to explain your powerlifting prowess in comparison to other lifters. 12/7/2024: Mitchell, SDHSPL Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight; Michigan State Equipped Records (2015-2021) O-120: Total push-pull: Robert Handler: 540 kg: Michigan State Equipped Records (2015-2021) Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Massachusetts State Championships. 5: 177. 2021-10-10, USA-DE Download as CSV. GA High School State - Meet Records >>> GET STATE RECORDS CERTIFICATE HERE <<< State Records: Q: Who keeps and posts state records? A: Georgia State records are maintained by Lydia Baptist and Meghan Valentine (georgia@usapowerlifting. 2024-02-24, USA-CO Download as CSV. 5: 295: 752. College Park, GA. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Alejandro Wickham: M: 37: Raw: 140: 131. Of the Year Awards. 62: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL Pennsylvania State Championship. Website Records. 5 kg: Kansas State Raw Records (2015-2021) R-M1B-93: Total: Jason Ross: 605 kg: Kansas State Raw Records USAPL State Records; USAPL Meet Results; Resources. 2022-03-26, USA-ME Download as CSV. 5: 175: 310: 762. 5: 467. Meet Results. Most Championships Won 3 — Carl F. 5 kg: Oklahoma State Equipped Records (2015-2021) M1a-83: Bench press single lift: Jeff Gradney: 132. 2023-03-18, USA-NY Download as CSV. 5: 787. May 4th, 2024-USA Powerlifting SD State Championships hosted by Nicole Craig @ the YMCA Liberty Center in Box Elder, SD (sanction SD-2024-02) Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2023 USAPL New York State Championships. 2024-12-07, USA-ID Download as CSV. 5: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2025 USAPL Kansas State Championships. Other requirements include Lifters can set a NJ state record if your USA Powerlifting membership card states that you are registered in NJ. More. Team Unleashed Upcoming Meets. 55: 2: Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Illinois State Championships. 5: 98. 5: 87. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2024 USAPL Kansas State Championships. State records may be set by a registered USA Powerlifting member at any sanctioned USA Powerlifting, NAPF, or IPF meet and judged by certified State, National, The Washington State USAPL also maintains records for Special Divisions as follows. 5: 702. A Raw (unequipped) record may be set only if you registered as such for the competition. You California State Championships Only USA Powerlifting state members can compete in their designated Championship. Women Wt. Criteria for State Records on bottom of document. We will attempt to update these as regularly as possible but please do not expect these to be updated on the same day as an event. Georgia Powerlifting. National or Regional, please contact the National Office. 2021-01-16, USA-WY Download as CSV. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Noah Mathes: M: 26~ Raw: 110: 102. USA Powerlifting Records Database-Click Here If you are a Maryland or DC resident and you would like to report a new Maryland State record from a sanctioned USA Powerlifting meet held outside of Maryland, please submit your record here. Schedule: TBD. Share this: Email; Facebook; Twitter; Like this: Home Competitions Lifters Rankings Records Result search Teams Video. Upcoming State Chair: Lydia Baptist and Meghan Valentine Contact Us at: georgia@usapowerlifting. [] As a whole, the team currently holds 16 USAPL State Records, 25 WRPF State Records, 12 USPA state records, & 2 USPA National Championships. Home. 5: Bench press single lift: Jeff Gradney: 132. 10: 2: Oklahoma State Equipped Records: M1a-82. The USAPL National Governing Board adopted the IPF weight classes to be implemented effective 1/1/2015. 4: 257. 4/12/2025. 6/26-29/2025. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Mason Biggs: M: 18: Raw: 100: 98. Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: Heather Grinkley: F: 28~ Raw: 67. 5: 350: 820: 533. 2: 335: 212. 1: 237. Rankings Records Meets Status FAQ Data Apps Shop Contact Support Us 2022 USAPL Maine State Championship. elpbjvxljkrdzsuxsjiyoismdzwcgelhbducsbhfurdczjshrutqhtotanzjcobdcxiqljhoyabhb