Hermione and tonks married fanfiction. The woman is Tonks, she's an Auror.
Hermione and tonks married fanfiction Unexpected Happiness. The Legacy by At the reading of Sirius Black's will several shocking revelations leave Harry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks 'Oh for Merlin's sakes, Harry get with the program. I have given birth to a daughter, Nymphadora Cassiopeia Tonks. In fact, the Daily Prophet went so far as to call us the Golden Trio. Ted looked round at everyone and beamed, "Andromeda gave birth to a baby girl this morning. " Hermione and Ron said hello before turning their attention back to the children. Ron and Hermione came out of the house at the sound. Tonks didn't know what to say to that, instead her heart broke at the thought of what Hermione must be going through right now. He had been expecting it of course, knowing his sister was due to go into labour soon. Then Hermione took Teddy while Harry and Tonks showed and changed. " She had surprised herself with the demand, but honestly, she had spent so long pretending, she needed to hear Hermione say it. Snuffle then let out a quick bark, that didn't sound like laughter, in "Alright, you two," Sirius said, to Harry and Hermione, "Since the two of you are here, I assume Remus and Dora - or Tonks, as you probably know her as, Harry - spoke to Hermione needs to go back home quickly at the start of 'Order of the Phoenix', and asks Tonks to take her place that day. Tonks found herself thinking that she'd never inflict such pain on anyone, not even Voldemort himself. "Um, Sirius usually doesn't like to actually sleep with the women he sleeps with," he said softly. Mrs. Pushed to and over his breaking point, will Harry be able to survive the year with his sanity intact? Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 123,402 - Reviews: 562 - Favs: 791 - Follows: 440 - Updated: 7/6/2007 - Published: 1/25/2007 - Harry P. They moved ever so slightly before they were removed. Marriage letters were coming that day. Starts out the day after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry soon finds out this secret as well as Tonks and Harry share Hermione between them. Harry is going to need a reason to live. Soul Bond - Time Travel FanFiction | unleash Favs: 10,849 - Follows: 11,872 - Updated: 2/25/2023 - Published: 7/15/2007 - Harry P. You do not want to be around Fleur in the morning without coffee. 'That idiot minister royal fucked up the wedding vow and now instead of Fleur being married to Bill, she is now married to you, along with Hermione and Nymphadora. She has only one problem: she cannot keep up Hermione is tired of being the trio's conscious, and finds respite with someone unexpected. Harry being the younger turns 14 or they share their first kiss. Language: English Words: 15,730 Tonks' actions had shocked all of them, especially Ginny, whom Tonks had treated like a close younger sister. I didn't know you had broken up. But that girl kept her head up her ass and married a jackass who abandoned her when he thought he'd knocked her up. Ron sat there, speechless, trying to process the sudden announcement. The Order was keeping us separated. Harry and Tonks. "Harder love. Hi Everyone. When she's taken in by Sirius Black, truths are uncovered, and a plan is set in motion. The war was won, but Hermione was alone. Title: Mr. They will be married either on Harry's 17th birthday or his 3rd birthday after this contract is started whichever comes first. Weasley pondered. Hermione and Ginny were sitting at the kitchen table, watching Tonks change her hair color back and forth while Molly was making breakfast. You all look quite good as well. The young man in the middle is Teddy. The entire Weasely family, Dumbledore, Remus and Tonks, Ron and Hermione, Sirius and Nikki, Ginny, and most of all, his parents; they were all there, beaming at him. The older man besides him is this years Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin. Charlie Weasley. She gasped in surprise and tried not to notice the way the top three buttons of his untucked shirt were still undone, or how the sparse hairs were begging to be touched. 'Remus, Tonks, Snuffles. I even snuck out to find Hermione, thinking she would know how to get to you. Tonks - Complete Harry was measured while Tonks listed off how many, and what style of clothes he needed. - Hermione needs to go back home quickly at the start of 'Order of the Phoenix', and asks Tonks to take her place that day. chapter 5:Hogwarts were home. "Tonks—" Remus said standing between Hermione and Tonks. Over the next couple of weeks, Hermione and Ron helped Harry and Tonks on their wedding plans. "No! She was mine first! I loved her first! Remus had Tonks, I had Hermione! He can't take my witch too!" Lily had been watching James try to talk Sirius from going back but even she saw that that was a lost cause "Tonks," he greeted her. -----Nymphadora Tonks paced the room fretfully, ignoring the irri Harry and Tonks. Weasley's lips had pursed together in consternation, but she didn't ask about it again. " With them safely tucked beside the door, Kingsley and Moody taking up guard posts in from of them, Remus turned around to go to Hermione, and froze on his steps at the scene before him; Sirius and Harry were duelling Malfoy, Tonks was busy levitating an unconscious Crabbe to the rest of the restrained Death Eaters, and Bellatrix Lestrange, cackling madly, was on her knees, Congratulations were shared throughout the kitchen. (She was in her 6th year). Tonks] Harry P. "WHAT?" Hermione and Ginny exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes widening in shock. Harry's confidence in the plan grows, and after a few hasty, enigmatic goodbyes, they go back to the shore. "I don't know how to say this but here it goes, I am Nymphadora Tonks, please call me Tonks no matter what Remus says, we belong to the order of the phoenix which helps Wizards and Witches, your families were killed in a anti- muggle hate crime, you two along with a few others were taken because you are either muggleborn which means you are magical with muggle It was tradition in the Malfoy family to give the manor to the heir after he was married and once Draco and Hermione had been married, the Malfoy parents had moved down the lane with a few elves to give the newlyweds some space. He finally lowered his Tonks returned after three short days with a big smile, a 'Yes! He is willing to do it!' on her lips and a small letter and a beautiful dragon scale bookmark for Hermione from her husband-to-be. Tonks and Harry split up, each agreeing to get the other's chain. - Chapters: 13 - Words: 70,900 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 89 - Updated: 4/12/2024 - Published: Kingsley and Remus met with Dumbledore inside his office while Tonks kept Harry company in a different room. Summary: Remus and/or Bill ask Harry to be the Best Man at their wedding. He saw Hermione start to stand and quickly spoke up. As soon as she turned around, she found herself closely facing Remus. Harry wakes up to his scar hurting but he has already defeated voldemort who is this new evil that harry senses and can he defeat it Harry leans back in his chair deep in thought he looks at Hermione who was listening to the radio with her knees up to her chest Hermione stares at it Harry gets up and goes over to Hermione as she listens to the radio she looks up at him and Harry offers his hand she accepts and he pull her up Harry looking at her brings her over from the radio holding her hand The man that married the two was also the man at Bill and Fleur's wedding, and he did not require that the two kiss, so Hermione and George just hugged. " Summary: When the Ministry of Magic decides to create and enforce a marriage law, Hermione finds herself set to marry her friend, George Weasley. Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Remus, Tonks, and Sirius all had a letter addressed to them. , Hermione G. Hermione has to go back to save them all. phase before her death. Everyone believes she is dead, except for Remus. But when will these two finally realise they are meant to be together? Only time can tell for Hermione and Draco. Remus narrowed his eyes at Tonks and said, "I want Nyphadora out of this room. "We got married!" Tonks blurts. And she felt like she was betraying Tonks' memory. "No Ronald, I'm sorry but I cannot, nor will I marry you, and I can and do have someone better!" Hermione stormed out of the room out into the garden. " He took a quick drink of champagne, as did everyone else. Dora continued on with the life she was always meant to have while Harry went to "I do," Hermione whispered looking deeply into Tonks's chocolate brown eyes that matched Hermione's own. "Wotcher Notes: AU Harry Potter based after the war with Voldemort has been won, Bill and Fleur did not get married before the end and decided to wait until after it was over. If you thought about him leaving his two best friends of seven years. Lupin merely waved his wand so that the cereal zoomed back inside She picked up a stack of envelopes off the table and started flipping through them. Me, Harry, and Hermione were a trio from our first year at Hogwarts. When you didn't come back sixth year and kept returning all our notes it destroyed Hermione. "Say my name. Hermione smiled softly at Harry, waved to Kingsley and Severus, then turned to go meet up with her friends. " Ron smiled widely as he got the gist of what Hermione wanted to do. Tonks joins him on the couch and we all lean forward to encourage the story. Hermione sees a bulge under Tonks's towel which becomes Hermione's secret. Tonks asked as she looked at Hermione and then at Ginny who was sitting on the edge of her bath tub. On a field assignment for her training Tonks finds a unusual partner and friend while in the field and maybe a even someone more. A sort-of-sequel to 'Chance' Disclaimer: I own Rayne Lupin, Mr. He held Tonks had while saying getting married in the middle of a war. "You said them to Tonks, though. Pairings/characters: Harry/Tonks, Harry/Fleur or Harry/Tonks/Fleur. Tonks broke the kiss, only pulling back slightly as they caught their breaths. Harry sat on one side of the table where their parchment and ink was, Hermione Tonks looked confused, still absorbing the speech she had been given while the younger women walked around her desk, leaned down and kissed her. Especially given Hermione informing him a few months back that Nymphadora Tonks would be born in December. They had been married for five months, and everything was perfect in Tonks opinion. Ron and Hermione looked around at the big willow tree. Tonks tries to fool Harry that she is the real Hermione, and things quickly escalate from there Language: English Words: 104,438 Chapters: 26/? Collections: 1 Comments: 64 Kudos: 1,669 Bookmarks: 597 Hits: 364,878 Teddy Tonks-Lupin should have been Teddy Tonks-Potter. As smiled and held her arms open as Luna skipped over to her and gave her a hug. She was waiting to see if it turned green or not. My name is Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks. FanFiction | unleash Andromeda Black had married Ted Tonks, becoming Andromeda Tonks. " The group (that consisted of Dumbledore, Kingsley, Moody, Tonks, Remus, Padfoot, Snape, Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny) walked up to the house. We follow Remus into the library and sit down. Her name's Hermione Aurora Tonks" Everyone at the table expressed their congratulations. She, Hermione Granger, was in love with Remus Lupin. "And if you put pressure on the knot, the whole tree stops," Harry told her. Harry and Hermione meet the Goddess of Love, and she offers to let them go back in time. "Ronald what did you say to Hermione?" Mrs. Kingsley brought me back. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. The couple had to keep their relationship discreet. She held up her hand silencing his words. Everything my dearest Dora said is true. But a Harry and Hermione both turned to Remus. Madame Malkin told them to come back in an hour, and she'd have the order filled. "Congratulations!" Hermione yelled toward Remus and Tonks. Harry looked down at his own left hand where a ring bearing both crests adorned his own ring finger. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Had sex on a broom. Hermione and George are already bonded together by a secret that only they share, and as they face their impending marriage vows, the two grow even closer. Harry was still being held by Remus, Sirius, and Tonks and Hermione still had her arms around his neck, she saw in his eyes his sudden realisation of what had happened as it reached through his confusion, he stretched his neck upward to give her another more gentle and obviously love filled kiss, Sirius looked around at those in the room who were all staring wide eyed at the "Let's move to safer topic. George shook his head, "Naw. Then they stopped at the jewelers, Trina's. "We'll need more food and definitely coffee. When Tonks overhears Minister Fudge and Lucius Malfoy discussing a Marriage Law Bill for the Wizengamot, she takes the information to the Order of the Phoenix. She then jumped on Remus and hugged him. As Harry Potter and now Mrs. ' Harry responded. Tonks' ring bore the raven insignia of House Black while Fleur's ring bore the Potter Stag. Oddly, she felt no such guilt when faced with the thought of Tonks mutters a few spells and the table is clean. , N. The whole Moldymort stuff put everyone in a Hermione was always telling them you couldn't apparate within Hogwarts. Rated M. Tonks, Blaise Z. Weasley, Mrs. Tonks finished first, finding a unadorned gold chain for Harry. ' Andromeda started. Tonks and Lupin. " Amanda said while looking to Remus to continue. PS. She sorted through them. Tonks had persistently convinced Lupin for months that she truly loved him, something Remus was rarely told. ' 'Married?!' Harry then looked at his hand with the ring and then at the left hands of Fleur, Hermione, and Tonks. Hermione cares less than she should when she realizes Ron's cheating. He glanced around at an odd assortment of confused looking people. By the time Tonks' eyes opened, Hermione was back at the door. Tonks and Harry married in the summer holidays the first day after the school was over. " His smile vanished then, "I loved herGinny I meanwell I mean I do love Hermione and I loved Tonks too, but of the three women I really only ever saw myself with Ginny. Tonks giggled and pulled Hermione into a hug of her own. They seem happy in their lives, but are they? And is Hermione really meant to be with Remus instead? Eventual HGRL, rated M for later chapters. "What the!" Harry shouted when he noticed a rock with a carving on it. Hermione went through the line of people and hugged them, thanked them for being there and accepted the congratulations she was offered. Harry's relationship with Tonks is stressed. Finally Remus is old enough to be Tonks father by that point way to much of a age difference. Hermione's cheeks flamed and she did not want to know that much information. Everyone he loved was finally around him, and never in his entire life had he felt so happy, and so whole. ) The catch is Harry doesn't realize that the Best Man's function is actually important in the Wizarding world. Hermione moaned into his mouth. "Aaaaaaand?" Sirius asks. # # Tonks and Harry established . "Yeah," Ron said. "I am twenty five years old but I When the door closed behind Tonks, Hermione grabbed the book she was looking for and turned to head back to the couch. " Bellatrix yelled. Dearest Draco, I wanted to write to you as soon as I possibly could. Remus and Tonks' relationship was doomed to failure and quickly fizzled out. , Fleur D. Remus caught her look and paled. "Ok, well, we called you all here to let you all in on a very important part of our lives," Lupin begins. Fred followed suit in saying goodbye to his brothers and hugging his sister and sister-in-laws. They were shocked about them being married and at such a young age. After the last remaining weeks of the summer with Harry, Tonks and Hermione having sex most of the time it was now time to return to Hogwarts. Tonks, Remus, these are Harry Potters best friends: Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. "Nice to meet you, Tonks," Harry said dryly, still confused and more than a little turned on by the situation. Enjoy and leave Reviews. Lupin Summary: Tonks and Remus are getting married. "I have known for a while now that there was more to your relationship with Hermione than everyone let on. "What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked as Harry knelt at the stone and blinked at it confused. Tonks sat at her kitchen table watch the potion in front of her. " "Tonks. " It’s been 4 years since Hermione went missing. Halfway towards the table though the milk collided with the cereal box. " Tonks smirked while Fleur giggled lightly at Harry's blush. " moaned Hermione. They quickly agreed to the terms. Hope you enjoy it. Vowing to get Remus for herself and to get rid of Hermione from the man she loved. Fred kissed his mum's cheek as everyone else joined them. Nymphadora Tonks-Potter were married, she was pregnant in the second month. It's Harry. Back before Sirius had died, she'd enjoyed her job for the adrenaline rush and satisfaction of helping bring some justice to their world. "Then again he probably doesn't even have emotions anymore so it's not like it'd bother him all that much. Tonks replied with having a child in the middle of a war. That was when the entire thing sank in and Hermione promptly fainted! Having vanished from his home life at a young age Harry Potter has been declared dead. "What do you mean, you're getting married? When?" Hermione's voice was filled with a mixture of curiosity Tonks seemed to realise this at the same time, for she quickly pulled her hand back, deciding instead to lick her fingers clean than try to make him shake them. Ron leaving could have been the best or the worst thing. " She saw recognition when she stated her married name but neither professor spoke. , Andromeda T. Remus had met them several times before and they found him a good and honorable man. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Hermione G. Yes that was the worst thing. Ron and Hermione go downstairs, informing the others that Tonks-as-Bellatrix will be appearing. Harry smiled at the message, and Dora sealed it before placing it on the counter to be sent to Professor McGonagall. "Hermione would be miserable if she had to marry Molly's son," Tonks said, sadly, "And if any of the Weasley children could produce a Squib, it would likely be him. "Shit, lost my temper. She was home alone right now, Remus was out, probably with the order, but Tonks wasn't sure. "Do you Nymphadora take Hermione to be your lawful wedded wife?" Read the most popular tonks stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. So were Remus and Tonks, Luna, Malfoy, Angelina, Snape, Fleur, Dumbledore, and a handful of people he didn't know. But Hermione and Ron could see Harry healing right before their eyes. Futanari story. Everyone still can call me Tonks. "I mean how did it happen Tonks? I remember yesterday but I don't remember getting married. I should start by introducing myself. What's to stop you from saying them to me?!" she screamed. Fuck me. Bill and Fleur stopped snogging; Hermione and Ron stopped bickering over nothing besides the fact that that's what they do. " The woman frowned and the silver pen she'd had in her hand turned into a full sized scythe. Also Harry and Fleur had a relationship during the Tri-Wizard tournament, but Harry's drive to fight Voldemort and keep Fleur safe ended the romance. Tonks swallowed and shook her head, "My name, Hermione. "Or should I say, nice to finally meet you. But now they've got something they didn't when they first married, will they be able to stop thinking about it long enough to enjoy themselves? AU Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,333 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 15 - Published: 7/10/2008 - Remus L. Late at Grimmauld Place Hermione opens a door to find Tonks in a towel. A fanfiction for the 2023 HP Rom Com Fic Fest. " Hermione moaned. Site : fanfiction. Tonks' thigh situated itself in between Hermione's legs pushing against her and eliciting a small moan from Hermione, which disappeared into Tonks' mouth. Give this a chance and please let me know what you think. " Tonks was grinning like a Cheshire cat. The best thing was that Harry and Hermione got married and were now spending a passionate night in each others arms. I "Yes. Hermione feared of being expelled and Severus being thrown into Azkaban hung over her shoulders, but Dumbledore allowed them to stay at Hogwarts. Minor - well maybe major Ginny, Ron and Dumbledore Bashing. "Looks like they will be the next ones to be married," Harry said. "Wotcher Ron, Hermione," Tonks said, smiling and suddenly feeling her old enthusiasm for a bit of an adrenaline rush come back to her. In two more weeks Hermione was going to be a Mrs. Molly came up and hugged Ted, while Arthur came and shook his hand, and patted him on the back. Coincidentally one Rita Skeeter was hold this day and the following in the ministry cells because of charges to be an illegal Animagus. FickleLemon is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. " Remus and Hermione looked at the door to see Tonks standing there. Tonks tries to fool Harry that she is the real Hermione, and things Hermione Granger has it all: she excels in her studies, has a bright future ahead of her, and has a loving, gorgeous boyfriend who adores her. Before they got married Hermione and Draco had lived in a penthouse in London in one of the Malfoys' properties. Chapter 1. Instead of the usual Hermione or one of the trio go back in time I am sending Tonks back. Ron couldn't stand Hermione the entire series and they just got married? Harry felt absolutely nothing for Ginny until Half blood prince and then he all of the sudden is head over heels for her. Remus was kneeling next to Tonks at the stump of the tree. The five of them walked down to the small town, then sat at a nice restaurant and had an enjoyfull evening. Tonks narrowed her eyes at Hermione and stormed from the room swearing under her breathe. . She admired Hermione a great deal, but her love for Remus – not that Hermione blamed her as she too loved the werewolf – caused her to spite her heroine to the point that she often ignored her presence altogether if Remus Hermione was quick to second that and give Molly a hug. After Harry had woken up he was told that bill was going to report him and Tonks to the order and Harry had a look of betrayal on his face as he looked to Tonks he said "You do know that means were on the run now right from both Voldemort and the order" Tonks nodded and then Ludvic told them both that Potter Manor would be a good place "Yes they are. They aren't to panic, though Ollivander half-screams upon seeing Bellatrix's likeness in the cottage. Author's Notes: This was a challenge written for searching4romeo. " Tonks' knees gave out and she collapsed into a chair, "Wow!" "What's the matter?" Hermione's father asked. The Pheonix Flies High by everlastingwind reviews. Tonks plonked herself down at the kitchen table and summoned a bowl, spoon, milk and cereal to land in front of her. (Lily and James also agreed that Ron and Hermione were perhaps the most loyal and perfect friends for Harry. Favs: 14,950 - Follows: 10,631 - Updated: 3/22/2024 - Published: 1/19/2010 - Harry P. Hermione Granger groaned as she placed a hand on her forehead, her head pounding in the morning light shining in her face. "You won't have to, I heard everything Remus. Harry stood and pulled Hermione to her feet, for a few seconds they just stared at each other before they quickly turned away and hurried into the tent. It was done in soft shades of lavender. " As Tonks kept grinding her palm Hermione between her legs, Tonks released Hermione's breasts and leaned down to her newfound lover's neck, slipping out her tongue and licking it up Hermione's neck, right where the girl's pulse point was, arousing Hermione even more as she bucked into the seductive, dominant woman's hand, whatever sanity she had slipping she felt Remus and Hermione met with her parents, Helen and Bryan Granger. Honks fic with maybe a few other pairings in the background but mainly Harry and Tonks. She would still be paired with Arthur, the Ministry wasn't breaking up marriages. Weasley was teary eyed during the whole ceremony, maybe because she secretly knew that Hermione and Fred were going to get married after the war, not Hermione and George. Across the castle, three stories up, Hermione Granger collapsed, screaming in agony on the old, stone floor. Weasley stopped midsentence in half-heartedly reprimanding the twins; Percy stopped bragging to his wife Hermione could well relate to that as Harry had not been willing to speak of much besides the task they would be completing instead of attending school. - Complete. The twins exchanged toothy, sticky grins, giggling. The woman is Tonks, she's an Auror. Once all 3 criteria are met copies of this contract will be delivered to Harry and Hermione. With two Tonks walking around and her faith in Dumbledore eroded what's a Metamorphmagus to do? Protect Harry Potter at all costs, that's what! Tonks ends up crafting a new identity for NOW COMPLETE! Set four years after the war, Hermione and Remus own a shop in Diagon Alley together. " Hermione said solemnly. Ted Tonks was a muggle-born, and Andromeda Black had been thrown out of the Black family over it, which, based on her sisters, was a good sign. and Mrs. FanFiction | unleash Hermione was jealous of Tonks, plain and simple, and the younger girl seemed to know it too. "Sorry!" Tonks yelped as cereal rained down on the two of them. Harry was dead, along with half of the Weasley clan. She wanted me to write a wedding fic. Hermione is engaged to Ron and Tonks is married to Remus. He knew she was alive and works to find her. Weasley had asked her about it — and in front of everyone at the breakfast table no less! — Hermione had lied and said that she was just missing Viktor. Harry and Hermione meet at Hogwarts and become friends. HarryxHermione. " "That's crazy enough to work. Tonks - Complete "Tonks and I are getting married!" exclaimed Harry, unable to contain his excitement. They're all married by now. She threw her wand back and send a wordless spell. The two girls were giggling at the quick change from neon green to bubblegum pink when the door to the kitchen slammed open and in walked Moody, Kingsley and Lupin. They informed them of their marriage. Hermione briefly wondered if they had made this girlish room up just for her. "The rest of you may stay. She's slowly lost her heart to someone she never thought could feel the same. Hermione had a huge smile on her face as she replied, "It was a wonderful white phoenix which delivered Harry's mum's engagement ring when I agreed to marry him. "We tried to get hold of you. "Oh! One more thing! I have to thank the married couple for allowing me this. I managed to make it to the Knight Bus. Ron then had whispered into Hermione's ear something that caused her to get angry. Tonks then smiled and a squeal could be heard. That honor belongs to JK Rowling. Tonks' eyes fluttered shut as Hermione's soft lips landed on her own. " he growled. Helen and Bryan had no problem with age gap since Bryan was nearly 24 years Helen senior. You married the least impressive wizard in the country. Ron gave him an incredulous look, but Harry ignored it, and Hermione smiled. it was the start of their fifth year and the students were all excited to go back to School, Harry was talking to Hermione about visiting Hagrid during the first weekend and soon Neville After being persuaded to come and work in the Wizarding world, it becomes impossible for Hermione to avoid Tonks and her feelings for the Auror for much longer. Hermione would be in deep trouble if that happened, especially with what we heard Dumbledore say. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 34,148 - Reviews: 632 - Favs: 2,325 - Follows: 992 - Updated: 9/30/2008 - Published: 9/22/2008 - Harry P. Hermione looked back at her, "Please, Nymphadora. Hermione was there as were Ron, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Ginny. Severus and Hermione were secretly married three weeks after Hermione turned seventeen. (If both it is a double wedding. Now. "Oh, nothing is the matter as such. Tonks had often talked about her feelings for the man, but he seemed unsure of how he felt, perhaps not Nymphadora Tonks-Potter. The one time that Mrs. To keep her mind off the inevitable, Tonks shared several stories of her time as a student in Hogwarts, something that Harry was very appreciative of. ) Mrs. "Yeah in a sense I suppose," Hermione said softly and then hearing a knock on the door. He's the son of Harry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks. To save HIM. Futa on female or male on futa, not FUTA penetrating male. "That must be your father Tonks," she said softly then heading over to the door and opening it slightly to see a man; Tonks father to be exact. Barris, and the priest and priestess. Tonks flipped them back over and put Hermione on all fours. "Hermione, the Wrackspurts are swarming!" Luna waved her hands around Hermione's ears. "Fleur and Tonks can be that reason, if we help them. Hermione said willingly ride on a dragon and everyone laughed. Right. Inspired by the 2014 film, Love, Rosie, and inspired by the book 'Where Rainbows End' by Cecelia Ahern Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks (3) Hermione Granger & Ginny Weasley (3) Hermione Hermione's my best friend, it would be like sleeping with my sisterthat's the same thing that made me so angry when she said that about Tonks. Strictly Harry and Hermione. Why she married Ron she did not know, she did know it was the biggest mistake she ever made. Harry. Chapter 3:On the run. net | Category : Harry Potter | Rated : Fiction M | Chapters : 28 | Words : 45,625 | Tonks and Harry had a close bond before their worlds changed and they were separated. Looking again at Hermione Harry could not help the feeling of happiness that began to build in him, by the time Mrs Granger had read the letter and handed it to Hermione, Harry did not care what Ginny would say, or what Ron would do because he realised he was just about as happy as he could ever imagine being, he was married to the beautiful girl in front of him. xnaktalcxfdtiwthisyabtrlkqjjfszmzhpbnbzzqyxpmbrayhoubbttbaxauakclsdsmxpknntbjj